RefMan - A Simple python-based reference manager
capitalises on Sci-hub and crossref to
provide a very simple Python-based reference manager.
The goal of RefMan
is to prioritise getting bibliographic data and PDFs, wihtout having to worry about databases or manually downloading and maintaining references yourself.
- a BibTeX bibliography file
, and - a directory of
's output is stored in refman_data
in the current working directory, or sourced from a
path listed under the REFMAN_DATA
environment variable.
Adding new papers to refman_data
can be achieved in three ways:
- With a DOI, using
-d, --doi
, or - With an
reference using-a, --arxiv
, or - As a last-resort, with a BibTeX string using
-b, --bibtex
, alongside an optional PDF (url or local-path) using-p, --pdf
With pip:
python3 -m pip install refman
Or manually:
git clone https://
cd refman
# Make a directory to store references
mkdir ~/refman_data
# Set the REFMAN_DATA environment variable. Add this to your `.bashrc` for persistence.
export REFMAN_DATA=$HOME/refman_data
# Add a paper using a DOI:
refman doi 10.1103/PHYSREVLETT.116.061102
# Add a paper using an `arxiv` reference
refman arxiv 2103.16574
# Add a paper using a bibtex string & pdf.
refman bibtex "@inproceedings{devlin2018bert,
title="BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding",
author="Jacob {Devlin} and Ming-Wei {Chang} and Kenton {Lee} and Kristina N. {Toutanova}",
booktitle="Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)",
}" -p ""
~ >>> refman --help
Usage: refman [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
RefMan - A Simple python-based reference manager.
--install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Install completion for the specified shell.
--show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Show completion for the specified shell, to
copy it or customize the installation.
--help Show this message and exit.
arxiv Gets the paper from an Arxiv reference string
bibtex Adds an entry to the database from a bibtex-string.
doi Tries to find and download the paper using the DOI.
rekey Modify the key of a paper.
rm Removes a paper from the disk and database.