Adobe Target Plugin for the Adobe I/O CLI
Setup the configuration according to The configuration must define the following data:
"target": {
"tenantName": "<Your IMS Org Id>
"jwt-auth": {
"client_id": "<Your integration API key",
"client_secret": "<Your integration client secret>",
"jwt_payload": {
"<Your integration JWT payload>"
"jwt_private_key": [
"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----",
"<Your integration private key",
"On Multiple Lines>",,
"-----END PRIVATE KEY-----",
$ aio plugins:install -g @adobe/aio-cli-plugin-target
$ # OR
$ aio discover -i
$ aio target --help
Retrieves the list of previously-created content offers. The flags are optional and are used to indicate the sorting and filtering options.
$ aio adobe-target:list-offers
-l, --limit=limit Defines the number of items to return. Default value is 2147483647.
-o, --offset=offset Defines the first offer to return from the list of total offers. Used in conjunction with limit, you can provide pagination in your application for users to browse through a large set of offers.
-s, --sortBy=sortBy Defines the sorting criteria on the returned items. You can add a “-” modifier to sort by descending order.
$ aio adobe-target:list-offers
$ aio adobe-target:list-offers -l=10 -o=0 -s=id
$ aio adobe-target:list-offers --limit=5 --offset=3 --sortBy=-name
See code: src/commands/adobe-target/list-offers.js
Retrieves the contents of an offer given an offer id.
$ aio adobe-target:get-offer IDENTIFIER
IDENTIFIER The offer id
See code: src/commands/adobe-target/get-offer.js
Creates a new content offer as defined by the request data.
$ aio adobe-target:create-offer NAME CONTENT -w=WORKSPACE
NAME A string to identify the Offer. The name cannot be empty. Max length is 250 characters.
CONTENT Content of an Offer shown to user.
-w, --workspace=workspace String Optional id of workspace to which the activity belongs. Max length is 250 characters. By default, Default workspace is assumed. Applicable for Enterprise Permissions (Target Premium).
See code: src/commands/adobe-target/create-offer.js
Updates the content offer referenced by the id specified in the URL.
$ aio adobe-target:update-offer IDENTIFIER NAME CONTENT
IDENTIFIER The identifier of the offer. The id cannot be empty.
NAME A string to identify the Offer. The name cannot be empty. Max length is 250 characters.
CONTENT Content of an Offer shown to user.
See code: src/commands/adobe-target/update-offer.js
Updates the content offer referenced by the id specified in the URL.
$ aio adobe-target:delete-offer IDENTIFIER
IDENTIFIER The identifier of the offer. The id cannot be empty.