Code for simulating code of simulations for Bayesian Social Learning in LLM Equipped Bayesian Agents
plots/ : Directory for storing plots
data/ : Directory for storing data
parameters/ : Directory for storing parameters
finance.ipynb: Code for the financial news example
herding.ipynb: Code for the herding experiment
incentivized_herding.ipynb: Code for the incentivized herding experiment on the hatespeech dataset
optimalstopping.ipynb: Code for the optimal stopping experiment Code for checking the NIAS and NIAC conditions and estimating the utilities using maxmargin and sparsest utility
niasniac.ipynb: Code for checking the NIAS and NIAC conditions and estimating the utilities using maxmargin and sparsest utility
product.ipynb: Code for the product example Code for simulating the model for stopping time problem Code for simulating the model for herding problem Code for processing the data Code for preprocessing the data Code for restricted boltzmann machine Code for testing the neural network