🧑🏼💻 Software development and engineering school
💻 🖥️ 📺 💾 📡
Welcome to the repository of projects completed during the software development and engineering journey at 42CodingSchool.
🏊🏼♂️ Piscine - Completed Projects from the 42 Piscine
Projects included: String manipulation, Mathematical algorithms, MACROs definition, Memory allocation and more software engineering basic principles
Explore the completed projects from the main course:
- ⌾ LibFT: Function Library
- ⌾ GetNextLine: Function to read files
- ⌾ PrintF: Recreating Printf Stdio function
- ⌾ Born2beRoot: Debian Virtual Machine configuration
- ⌾ SoLong: 2D video game with enemy chase using MLX graphic library
- ⌾ Minitalk: Server and Client communication
- ⌾ PushSwap: Sorting Algorithm with limited moves allowed
- ⌾ MiniShell: Bash shell written in C
Feel free to explore each project's folder for detailed code and insights! 🚀