Before you download and build the ViNO project, make sure that your system meets the following requirements:
Your development workstation should meet or exceed these hardware requirements:
- At least 2 CPUs
- At least 20 GB of free disk space to checkout and build the source code
- You need at least 4 GB of RAM.
- Internet connection
The ViNO project is traditionally developed and tested on CentOS release 7.7 Minimal (CentOS-7-x86_64-Minimal-1908.iso), but other distributions may be used.
Your workstation must have the software listed below. See Establishing a Build Environment for additional required packages and the commands to install them.
- Java 8
- Ant
- Git
- Docker
- Ruby
- NodeJS
- ESLint
- Lessc
- Typescript
This section describes how to set up your local work environment to build the ViNO project.
Installing the JDK (Java 8)
Installing Ant
Installing EPEL repository
Installing required packages
Setting up the environment
Setting up Docker
This section describes how to set up your local work environment to build the ViNO project.
Installing the JDK (Java 8)
Installing Ant
Installing required packages
Setting up the environment
Setting up Docker
The ViNO source tree is located here
This document describes how to download the source tree and build the
ViNO Project.
Create a working directory
Clone the ViNO-product repository:
IMPORTANT: it is HIGHLY recommended that you use Git over SSH to clone the project.
You can find more information on how to setup Git over SSH here.
If you want to proceed using Git over HTTPS instead, click here.
Checkout the 'master' branch:
Run the bootstrap script (do this for every terminal window that you want to use for this project).
This will place you in the product_vino/ directory.
Execute thin to make sure that all dependencies are in place:
Now you can build.
The ant git.update is optional.
The 'ant clean-all' will clear the build directory and cause everything to get built.
The result of the build process is a compressed file (tar.gz) located in the build/bin folder:
The ViNO project is a collection of repositories that are built together to create a product.
Before you start modifying the source code, first, you will need to identify which repository you want to change.
You will find a list of all repositories used by ViNO in this file:
This file contains a list of repositories to checkout and build. There is also a group (shared) with definitions that usually are common to all repositories like Bitbucket URL, base clone directory, and ref (branch).
For each repository line we have:
name: name of the repository on Bitbucket
prefix: type of the repository, usually: lib, forks, components,
drivers, or lib-web; it also corresponds to the directory that the
repository will be cloned.
target: Ant target to build the repository - OPTIONAL: you only need
to inform it if it is different from the repository name
cloneDir: clone directory - OPTIONAL: you only need to inform it if
is different from ${}/${prefix}/${name}
ref: branch to clone - OPTIONAL: you only need to inform it if is
different from the common branch (master)
If you want to proceed using Git over HTTPS instead (which is not recommended) execute:
Clone the main project:
Checkout the 'master' branch:
Run the bootstrap script (do this for every terminal window that you want to use for this project).
This will place you in the product_vino/ directory.
Now you need to edit the vino-product/product.settings/ file and replace the "common url" property with the SSH URL:
with the HTTS URL:
Now you can build.
The ant git.update is optional.
The 'ant clean-all' will clear the build directory and cause everything to get built.
The result of the build process is a compressed file (tar.gz) located in the build/bin folder