A basic Android app that shows my public repositories and then retrieves their respective last commits.
- Single Activity
- Clean Architecture
- Android Jetpack: ViewModel, LiveData, Data Binding, RecyclerView, Fragments, Navigation
- Retrofit
- Hilt
- Implement pagination when fetching repositories list [https://docs.github.com/en/rest/reference/repos#list-repositories-for-a-user]
- Finish representing number of commits
- A new domain layer that uses UseCases for business logic
- Implement more unit tests
- Add UI test (Espresso)
- Wrapping API Responses and error handling
- LiveData Adapter for Retrofit [https://gist.github.com/AkshayChordiya/15cfe7ca1842d6b959e77c04a073a98f]
- Display ProgressBar when fetching data
- Add Toolbar's navigation
- New features eg. searching for the users
- Create views via Jetpack Compose
- Extract model to the separate module if the project's full scope is bigger than the assignment itself
- Use Kotlin DSL to write custom build code for eg. dependencies across all the modules