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Shaderity is a shader tool set.

Shaderity are composed from the several components.

The name "Shaderity" was coined from the combination of "Shader" and "Integrity".

BTW, Are you interested in node-based shader editing? Please check our shaderity-graph out.


Runtime features

With this shaderity, you can do the following things:

  • Variables fill-in to GLSL code in runtime.
  • Transpile between GLSL ES 1.0 and GLSL ES 3.0 .

Static features

With shaderity-loader, you can do the following things:

  • Provide #include like statement for GLSL shader files. (similar syntax to glslify)
  • Embed GLSL shader files into TypeScript/JavaScript as a WebPack Loader.
  • Can be used in conjunction with glslify.

How to use

Converting GLSL ES 100 to GLSL ES 300

const Shaderity = require('shaderity');

const shaderObj = {
precision mediump float;

varying vec4 vColor;
varying vec4 vTexcoord;

void main() {
  gl_FlagColor = vColor;
    shaderStage: 'fragment'

const convertedObj = shaderity.transformToGLSLES3(shaderObj);
precision mediump float;

in vec4 vColor;
in vec4 vTexcoord;

void main() {
  gl_FlagColor = vColor;


Shaderity analogizes the names of attribute variables in the vertex shader for mapping to the CPU-side vertex attributes semantics.

In this sample, Shaderity determines that a_position is a POSITION semantics. a_uv is not in the current Shaderity's analogy dictionary, so it is UNKNOWN as is, but the comment // < semantic=TEXCOORD_0 > allows Shaderity to determine that it is a TEXCOORD_0 semantics.

in vec3 a_position;
in vec2 a_uv; // < semantic=TEXCOORD_0 >
out vec3 v_position;

uniform vec4 u_worldMatrix;
uniform sampler2D u_texture; // <semantic=DataTexture, min=10, max=100, default=>

int main() {
  gl_Position = a_position;
  v_position = a_position;

Here is the current analogy dictionary for vertex attribute variables. (The key of the map is written in regular expression. The matching is ignoreCase.)

The semantics (the values of the map) definitions are referenced from glTF2 specification.

    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('position', 'POSITION');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('color$', 'COLOR_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('color_?0', 'COLOR_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('texcoord$', 'TEXCOORD_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('texcoord_?0', 'TEXCOORD_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('texcoord_?1', 'TEXCOORD_1');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('normal', 'NORMAL');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('tangent', 'TANGENT');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('joint$', 'JOINTS_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('bone$', 'JOINTS_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('joint_?0', 'JOINTS_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('bone_?0', 'JOINTS_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('weight$', 'WEIGHTS_0');
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap.set('weight_?0', 'WEIGHTS_0');

You can get the reflection data by like this.

  const shaderity = Shaderity.getInstance();
  const reflection = shaderity.reflect(reflectionVertexES3);
      name: 'a_position',
      type: 'vec3',
      semantic: 'POSITION'
      name: 'a_uv',
      type: 'vec2',
      semantic: 'TEXCOORD_0'

You can add other words to analogy dictionary by this method.

  addAttributeSemanticsMap(map: Map<string, string>) {
    this.__attributeSemanticsMap = new Map([...this.__attributeSemanticsMap,]);

You can check more functionalities in test/basic.test.js .


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