This project is a series of Dockerfile
s with a compose/stack deploy
script that builds and starts an active travel directions service for
the Inverness area.
It is constructed from 4 main components:
An extension of the osrm-backend image, this:
- downloads the Scotland OSM extract from geofabrik
- queries Nominatim for the "bounds" of the Inverness area
- creates a smaller OSM extract for just the Inverness area
- builds a routing graph for the Inverness area for generating walking directions
As with the previous Walking Directions, this is an extension of the osrm-backend image but this time it creates a routing graph suitable for calculating cycling directions in the Inverness area.
The OSRM project server can only load one routing graph at a time, so we have to start two separate OSRM servers to provide both walking and cycling directions. These servers are hidden behind a reverse proxy to make them appear as parts of a single service.
This reverse proxy is an extension of the standard nginx image, so it's also used to serve any static assets we may require.
Walking/Cycling Directions Comparison
This is a small single page application that can be used to compare the walking and cycling directions generated by the routing servers. It's been pre-configured with a route from the marked bicycle parking within the car-park at the top of Raining's Stairs and the bicycle parking on Inglis Street. This allows for a comparison of the routes via Market Brae Steps on foot and by Stephen's Brae on bicycle.
docker-compose build
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml ati