/** @class FLEX SourceForge github geointapps gitlab
FLEX provides plugins and virtual datasets to support: job queueing, job agents, file uploading, dataset emulation, engine plugins, dataset schema editor, email, new feeder, and client quizzing.
CRUDE keyedits edit plug keys
CRUE uploads get/upload file(s) into one-time file upload area
CRUE stores get/upload file(s) into monitored file store area
RE baseline local repo history, commit changes, sync with remote repo
RE email list / autoflush (send/get) SMTP email
RE catalog read/flatten the master catalog
RE news
RE issues
RE detectors
RE baseline
RE tasks list/autoupdate tasks
R likeus provide client addition credit to run jobs
R history allows moderators to approve requirement changes etc
R plugins list avaliable plugins
R activity
R views
R summary
R users
R config
R datasets
R admin
R cliques
R health
R likeus
R tips
R history
R AlgorithmService Hydra job agent
R parms
R roles
R lookups
R searches
R swaps
E milestones
E sessions
E catalog flatten catalog
Access and configure FLEX like this:
var FLEX = require("flex").config({
key: value, // set key
"key.key": value, // indexed set
"key.key.": value // indexed append
}, function (err) {
console.log( err ? "something evil is lurking" : "look mom - Im running!");
where its configuration keys follow the ENUM deep copy conventions.
Clone FLEX plugin interface into your PROJECT/flex folder.
Clone ENUM basic enumerators into your PROJECT/enum folder.
Clone ATOMIC cloud compute into your PROJECT/atomic folder.
Clone MAN matrix manipulator into your PROJECT/man folder.
- openv.X and app.X datasets as required by virtual tables
npm run [ edit || start ] # Configure environment
npm test [ ? || X1 || X2 ... ] # unit test
npm run [ prmprep || prmload ] # Revise PRM
To contribute to this module, see our issues and milestones.