A backup of my Linux configuration files.
- .vim and .zsh: Vim and Zsh plugin directories, respectively
- .fonts.conf: fixes Chrome font display on Linux
- .gitconfig: global Git config file
- .gitignore: global Git ignore file for binaries, etc. that appear in many repos
- .gitmodules: actually a part of this repo; maintains Vim & Zsh plugin submodules
- .irbrc: Ruby REPL config file to make it more minimalistic
- .pylintrc: Pylint's auto-generated configuration
- .pythonrc: Python tab completion in the interpreter
- .slate: minimal OS X Slate configuration to resize windows
- .tmux.conf: make tmux 1-indexed with the status bar at the top
- .vimrc: super useful Vim settings and keymappings
- .zshrc: super useful aliases and functions, among other things, and
- update.py: Python script to create these symlinks and clone submodules in one step.