As the yahoo finance no longer seems to work, an alternative using google data.
# necessary libraries
## Attaching package: 'lubridate'
## The following object is masked from 'package:base':
## date
Use the 'read_csv' function from 'readr'
build_url <- function(sym, sy = 2005, sm = 1, sd = 1, ey, em, ed) {
stock_url <- paste0("",
"?q=", sym,
"&startdate=", paste(sm, sd, sy, sep = "+"),
"&enddate=", paste(em, ed, ey, sep = "+"),
google_stocks <- function(sym, current = TRUE, sy = 2005, sm = 1, sd = 1, ey, em, ed) {
# sy, sm, sd: start year, start month and start day
# ey, em, ed: end year, end month, and end day
# If TRUE, use the date as the enddate
system_time <- as.character(Sys.time())
ey <- as.numeric(substr(system_time, start = 1, stop = 4))
em <- as.numeric(substr(system_time, start = 6, stop = 7))
ed <- as.numeric(substr(system_time, start = 9, stop = 10))
stockurl <- build_url(sym, sy, sm , sd , ey, em, ed)
query_result <- tryCatch(
error = function(e) NULL
apple_data = google_stocks('AAPL', sy = 2010)
vw_data = google_stocks('SWX%3AVW', sy = 2010)
tesla_data = google_stocks('tsla', sy = 2010)
dai_data = google_stocks('DAI', sy = 2010)
ibm_data = google_stocks('ibm', sy = 2010)
apple_label <- rep("Apple", length(apple_data$Date))
apple_data$label <- apple_label
vw_label <- rep("VW", length(vw_data$Date))
vw_data$label <- vw_label
daimler_label <- rep("Daimler", length(dai_data$Date))
dai_data$label <- daimler_label
tesla_label <- rep("Tesla", length(tesla_data$Date))
tesla_data$label <- tesla_label
ibm_label <- rep("IBM", length(ibm_data$Date))
ibm_data$label <- ibm_label
shares_dac <- rbind(vw_data, dai_data, apple_data, ibm_data, tesla_data)
shares_dac$datum <- as.factor(shares_dac$Date)
shares_dax_order <- shares_dac[with(shares_dac, order(datum)),]
shares_dax_order$YM <- format(dmy(shares_dax_order$Date), "%Y-%m")
save(shares_dax_order, file="shares_dax_order.rda")
ggsave("shares_order.png", width = 30, height = 20, units = "cm")