tmle.npvi: Targeted Learning of a Non-Parametric Variable Importance Measure of a Continuous Exposure
Targeted minimum loss estimation (TMLE) of a non-parametric variable importance measure of a continuous exposure 'X' on an outcome 'Y', taking baseline covariates 'W' into account.
This package is developed by Pierre Neuvial and Antoine Chambaz.
The tmle.npvi()
function of the tmle.npvi package is meant to carry out the
targeted learning of a nonparametric importance of a continuous exposure.
> library("tmle.npvi")
> example(tmle.npvi)
Refer to the package's vignette for more details.
To cite the package, see
> citation("tmle.npvi")
> toBibtex(citation("tmle.npvi"))
A stable version of R package tmle.npvi is available on CRAN. A development version is available via GitHub and can be installed in R as:
Resource: | GitHub | Travis CI | Appveyor |
Platforms: | Multiple | Linux & OS X | Windows |
R CMD check | |||
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