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Rust module for flakelight.

Initializes a Rust project flake from its Cargo.toml.

Configured options

Sets package to the crate at the flake source. description and licence is set from Cargo.toml.

Adds rust-analyzer, cargo, clippy, rustc, and rustfmt to the default devShell and sets RUST_SRC_PATH.

Adds checks for crate tests and clippy warnings.

Configures rs files to be formatted with rustfmt.


fileset configures the fileset the package is built with. To use all files, set it to ./.;

Getting started

To create a new project in an empty directory, run the following:

nix flake init -t github:accelbread/flakelight-rust

Existing projects can use one of the example flake.nix files below.

Example flake

You can call this flake directly:

  inputs.flakelight-rust.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight-rust";
  outputs = { flakelight-rust, ... }: flakelight-rust ./. { };

Alternatively, add this module to your Flakelight config:

  inputs = {
    flakelight.url = "github:nix-community/flakelight";
    flakelight-rust.url = "github:accelbread/flakelight-rust";
  outputs = { flakelight, flakelight-rust, ... }: flakelight ./. {
    imports = [ flakelight-rust.flakelightModules.default ];