Each ant may move one room per turn
Only one ant may occupy a room at a time except for start and end
Minimize the number of turns required to move all ants from start to end
Developed for macOS High Sierra using clang-902.0.39.1
I used an Edmonds-Karp like breadth-first search and reconstructed a list of potential paths based on the residual graph
This will create the lem-in executable
./lem-in < test_map
Built with python3
./lem-in < test_map | ./visu.py
Esc, Q: quit visualizer
Up: increase ant speed
Down: decrease ant speed
Right: move ants
0: reset ant speed
I: toggle instant ant movement
Home, R: reset
Built with python3
Display help:
./draw_graph -h
Read from stdin:
./lem-in < test_maps/gen-flow-thousand-00 | ./draw_graph.py
Read from an output file:
./lem-in < test_maps/gen_big_superposition > big-super_out
./draw_graph.py -f big-super_out
Draw graph using the Kamada-Kawai layout from NetworkX:
./lem-in < test_maps/gen_big | ./draw_graph.py -p