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Install and configure prerequisites.

Alexandru Burghelea edited this page Oct 22, 2013 · 1 revision

Physical infrastructure.

  • Notebook with Intel core i7, 8Gb RAM running Windows 7 x64.
  • Virtualization software : VirtualBox 4.2.4

Virtual Infrastructure

  • Linux Mink 13 Maia, KDE
  • 40GB Storage
  • The virtual machine can be downloaded from my dropbox
  • The login credentials are: autonomus / auto!QAZ

Install log

Steps tried on Kubuntu 12.10

  1. Installing operating sistem inside virtual box using the graphical installer
  2. Installing Virtual Box Guest Additions
  3. Installing git, vim
    • sudo apt-get install vim git
  4. Installing qgroundcontrol dependencies
    • sudo apt-get install phonon libqt4-dev libphonon-dev libphonon4 phonon-backend-gstreamer\
      qtcreator libsdl1.2-dev libflite1 flite1-dev build-essential
  5. Clone qground control from github repository
    • git clone
  6. Create a blank Readme file in lib/thirdParty/libxbee
    (I don’t understand why, the qgroundcontrol Readme lists it as a step and i haven’t tried to install without it.)
    • pwd assumed to be the folder with the git clone
    • cd /lib/thirdParty/libxbee
    • touch Readme
    • cd ../../..
  7. Starting qtcreator for the project and building the project
    • sudo qtcreator
    • build_with _Ctrl + Shift + B
  8. create symlink to qgroundcontrol executable
    • sudo ln -s /usr/bin/qgroundcontrol >
  9. Install Simgear via apt-get (by mistake)
    • It installs an extra dependency that breaks the kde environment


Didn’t want to try and repair it because the time invested in building qgroundcontrol
was lower than the estimate time to repair, so i reverted the VM to a snapshot.

Steps tried on Kubuntu 12.10 (second try)

  1. Install vim and git again
  2. Install FlightGear and Simgear dependencies
    1. Install OpenAL
      • Download the sources, and extract them
      • Go to the directory where you want to install OpenAL and run
        • cmake /path/to/unarchived/sources
      • Build and install
        • make && make install
    2. Install PLIB
      • Download the sources
      • Configure the path to were you want to install
        • ./configure —prefix=/path/to/installation
      • Build and install
        • make && make install
    3. Install OpenSceneGrapth
      • Download the sources
      • Run the same steps as for installing “OpenAL”
    4. Install aditional dependencies
      • sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev libjpeg62-dev libungif4-dev libtiff4-dev\
        libpng12-dev libxmu-dev libxi-dev zlib1g-dev libglut3-dev
    5. Install Simgear
      • Clone the repository
        • git clone git://
      • Run the same steps as for installing “OpenAL”
    6. Install FlightGear
      • Clone the repository
        • git clone git://
      • Prepare compilation
        • cd flightgear
          ./configure —prefix=/path/to/fgInstallation —with-osg=/path/to/osg/installation —enable-osgviewer
          export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/osgInstallation/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
      • Build and install
        • make && make install
      • Clone data repository (it’s hufe)
        • git clone git://
          mv fgdata /usr/local/share/flightgear
  3. Running FlightGear
    • fgfs (assuming you installed in a folder that is already in $PATH)

Flight gear output

It appears to be running, a FlightGear initialization window appears when suddenly

LLVM ERROR: Program used external function ’’ which could not be resolved!


There were hints that the graphical driver or OpenGL might be the problem, but a brief investigation
didn’t reveal anything and I didn’t want to debug a nameless function call so i reverted to a snapshot.

Steps tried on Kubuntu 12.10 (third try)

Tring the Scripted Compilation

  1. Download the script
    • wget
  2. Run the script to download and install the latest stable version (it takes a lot of time)
    • sudo ./ -s
      • It took me about 8 to 10 hours to download (about 12Gb) and build all the packages
  3. Run FlightGear and get the LLVM error again


Give up on tring to install on Kubuntu, trying Mint

Steps tried on Mint 13, Maia

  1. Download the script
    • wget
  2. Run the script to download and install the latest stable version (it takes a lot of time)
    • sudo ./ -s
      • It took me about 8 to 10 hours to download (about 12Gb) and build all the packages
  3. Run FlightGear and see the Cessna 172 aircraft on the San Francisco Airport
  4. Installing qgroundcontrol dependencies
    • sudo apt-get install phonon libqt4-dev libphonon-dev libphonon4 phonon-backend-gstreamer\
      qtcreator libsdl1.2-dev libflite1 flite1-dev build-essential
  5. Clone qground control from github repository
    • git clone
  6. Create a blank Readme file in lib/thirdParty/libxbee
    (I don’t understand why, the qgroundcontrol Readme lists it as a step and i haven’t tried to install without it.)
    • pwd assumed to be the folder with the git clone
    • cd /lib/thirdParty/libxbee
    • touch Readme
    • cd ../../..
  7. Starting qtcreator for the project and building the project
    • sudo qtcreator
    • build_with _Ctrl + Shift + B
  8. create symlink to FlightGear utilities and qgroundcontrol executable
    • sudo ln -s /usr/bin/exacutable_name /path/to/installation/executable_name


Everything is up and running. YEY
The virtual machine can be downloaded from my dropbox
The login credentials are: autonomus / auto!QAZ

Encountered problems

  • On the first tries of installing the virtual machine, the guest OS was running slowly. It may be related to this ticket
    I got rid of it by switching from ubuntu to kubuntu.
  • KDE crashed after installing simgear via apt-get
  • On Kubuntu 12.10 i got a dubious LLVM error. I encountered this error after
    I installed all the packages either with the automated script or by manually building each package.
    I got rid of it by switching to Linux Mint. It may have been a problem with the graphics driver or OpenGL,
    but i was unable to track the problem.
  • I ran FlightGear on a morning and everything was black (except some lights). It turned out that FlightGear
    starts the instance with the local time from San Francisco Airport, which was about 1AM at the time of the run.