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this a python module for handling DNS basic operations: usage is simple:
- DNS secret key:
first of all: add your DNS secret key file under the name /etc/bind/keys file content of this kind:
key "my-key" {
algorithm hmac-md5;
secret "QJc08cnP1xkoF4a/eSZZbw==";
- add DNS entry:
to add a dns entry; A (direct) and PTR (reverse) types:
from dnshandler import dns
print dns.add_entry("mydomain", "machine1", "", "dns.mydomain")
- delete DNS entry:
to delete a dns entry; A (direct) and PTR (reverse) types:
print dns.delete_entry("test", "machine2", "")
- basic DNS lookups:
print dns.get_address("machine1.mydomain")
print dns.get_host("")