Project that from photos of cars, estimates its detailed colors (not basic colors) based on the maximum values of the R G B histograms of the photo. A version that uses the same method with HSV values is also provided.
Some systems calculate the color of the car only from the color of the center point of its image (a program that uses this method for verification is attached). Considering the histogram, it is calculated based on the points that are the majority with a certain color
All necessary packages besides:
can be installed with a simple pip, if you get the message that you cannot import it
The project uses the colors.csv file downloaded from
Unzip the Test1 file with the test images (obtained from Roboflow and Kaggle)
Execute the python program:
The photos are shown, to test it, and after close them in console appears the r g b assigned by the max of histograms and the r g b and name of color aproximated in the list of colors in colors.csv.
The photo of the car also appears on the screen and the points that have been considered to establish the color, which are the ROI or region of maximum interest, are marked with white dots.
It also produces the file CarColorResults.txt so that the results can be scored.
In the CarColorResults.txt appears the name of the photo (it matches the license plate of the car) the rgb obtained by applying the maximum histogram of each RGB component and the approximate RGB in the list of colors in color.csv, as well as the name of this color
The results may be tested with
00004,57,142,217,49,140,231,Bleu De France
01702,116,158,44,107,142,35,Olive Drab (Web) (Olive Drab #3)
6662GKS,25,24,28,25,25,112,Midnight Blue
8544,12,16,19,0,33,71,Oxford Blue
8544,254,255,255,245,255,250,Mint Cream
BMW,21,27,34,0,33,71,Oxford Blue
CRAIG,249,211,123,248,222,126,Mellow Yellow
CY110KS,200,201,203,174,198,207,Pastel Blue
DRUNK,8,26,100,0,35,102,Royal Blue (Traditional)
GCP332,24,131,255,30,144,255,Dodger Blue
GN64OTP,1,1,1,0,0,0,Black (error detection)
HF3461,15,14,15,72,6,7,Bulgarian Rose
LR33TEE,255,3,5,232,0,13,Ku Crimson
VIPER,214,94,24,210,105,30,Cocoa Brown
Changing the name directory in line 19 of the programa, any directory with any cars fotos can be tested.
HSV version:
Execute the python program:
The photos are shown, to test it, and after close them in console appears the r g b assigned by the max of histograms and the r g b and name of color aproximated in the list of colors in colors.csv.
The photo is also presented trying to delimit the region of maximum ROI interest, although in this case it is quite blurry.
It also produces the file CarColorResultsHSV.txt so that the results can be scored.
Appears the name of the photo (it matches the license plate of the car) the rgb obtained by applying the maximum histogram of each HSV component and the approximate RGB in the list of colors in color.csv, as well as the name of this color
The results may be tested with
00004,78,148,217,73,151,208,Celestial Blue
6662GKS,19,17,28,25,25,112,Midnight Blue
8544,13,16,19,0,33,71,Oxford Blue
8544,253,254,255,240,248,255,Alice Blue
8544,253,254,255,240,248,255,Alice Blue
BMW,23,28,34,0,33,71,Oxford Blue
CY110KS,200,201,203,174,198,207,Pastel Blue
DRUNK,0,60,255,2,71,254,Blue (Ryb)
GCP332,139,197,255,135,206,250,Light Sky Blue
GN64OTP,254,178,0,255,179,0,Ucla Gold (error)
GN64OTP,1,1,1,0,0,0,Black (error detection )
HF3461,13,13,15,25,25,112,Midnight Blue
LR33TEE,255,0,8,232,0,13,Ku Crimson
VIPER,214,112,86,226,114,91,Terra Cotta
Changing the name directory in line 19 of the programa, any directory with any cars fotos can be tested.
========== Also attached is the program that determines the color of the car based on the color of the center point of the photo. When you run the program, the ROI (point of interest) appears surrounded by a green circle (the results are bad and the central point sometimes coincides with the headlights, windshield, radiators or other points of the car that are not significant for determining its color).
Before 21/08/2023 there was a more complicated procedure that was abandoned after reading the recent article
It used the model that serves to frame the cars in the photos (to see details of its creation with yolov8 see the project
Create the RandomForest model that from R G B values assigns the name of the color in the colors.csv file
run the test
Run, the photos will appear on the screen for your control, and the assigned colors will appear on the console.
It also produces the file CarColorResults.txt so that the results can be scored.
The result has been:
6662GKS,25,24,28,['"Midnight Blue"']
8544,20,31,39,['"Dark Jungle Green"']
BMW,21,27,34,['"Dark Jungle Green"']
CRAIG,249,211,123,['"Mellow Apricot"']
DRUNK,6,26,100,['"Catalina Blue"']
GN64OTP,254,254,0,['"Laser Lemon"']
HF3461,14,14,16,['"Smoky Black"']
J75665,182,8,8,['"International Orange (Engineering)"']
J75665,8,8,8,['"Smoky Black"']
VIPER,214,95,24,['"Chocolate (Web)"']
VIPER,100,104,107,['"Dim Gray"']
The results can be improved, probably the image segmentation method can be improved. Improvements will be introduced in subsequent editions.
For the recognition of colors based on their R G B components, the web can be used