Traad is an refactoring server for Python code. It listens for HTTP requests to perform refactorings, performs them, and allows clients to query for the status. There is also talk from EuroPython 2014 with design description and some live demo:
To use traad you'll normally need both the server and a client.
The only client code (that I know of) is the
emacs-traad package for Emacs.
is able to install the server for you, so if you're using it you
should just need to follow its setup instruction.
If you just want to install the most recent release of the Python server components (i.e. this project), you can use pip:
pip install traad
If you want to install the server from source - perhaps because you're doing development on it - you should first clone the repository:
git clone
Then you can install everything with
cd traad
python install
Note that if you install traad
into a Python 3 environment, the server name
will be traad3
. If you install it into a Python 2 environment it will simply
be traad
. This makes it somewhat simpler to have system-wide installations of
both on systems with both Python 2 and 3.
has a suite of tests in the tests
directory. They are based on pytest
. In order to run them, go to the project's root directory (i.e. the one containing this README) and use:
pytest tests
I (the author of traad) use emacs for most of my Python development, and I've often been jealous of the cool refactoring tools that my colleagues get with their fancy IDEs. Not jealous enough to actually switch, of course. I'm way to stubborn for that. But I was jealous enough that I investigated the options available for emacs.
One of the best options available is the rope Python refactoring library. Rope is very powerful and does all of the things I'd like. Unfortunately, I could never find a satisfactory way of integrating it into emacs. The pymacs-based approaches never quite worked for me, and in any case that approach struck me as somehow incorrect.
So, in the spirit of open-source development, I decided to try my own approach. I wanted a way to access rope functionality without having to contort either emacs or Python in unnatural ways. Thus the idea of using a client-server approach was born. It may strike others as odd or incorrect, but it works well for me.
Traad is a client-server approach to using the rope Python refactory library. It involves two basic components:
- A HTTP server exposing the rope API via JSON, and
- Client libraries (currently just emacs lisp) for talking to the server
The hope is that this approach will make it easier - at least in some cases - to use rope from various other tools.
Since rope is written in Python, any tool that wants to use rope needs to either embed Python, or it needs to find a way to communicate with a Python process running rope. The embedding approach is difficult if the target environment is not written in Python, and it also faces challenges when dealing with more than one Python version.
So traad aims to simplify communication with rope running in an independent process. HTTP communication and JSON data handling is well supported in many, many languages, so any environment that wants to use rope should be able to easily communicate with traad.