Our project aims to raise funds for disadvantaged children in Africa. You can register an account, log in, and contribute to the cause. Additionally, you have the opportunity to volunteer and create your own fundraising efforts. This project was a collaborative undertaking completed within a five-day timeframe.
- User Page
- Admin Page
Vercel : Be Charity Website
User Page
- Login & SignUp
- Forget / Reset Password
- Filter By Category
- Search
- Donation
- Confirmation Mail
- Volunteer Wall
- Volunteer Access
- Volunteer CRUD Operations
- Payment
- Edit Profile
- Fully Responsive
Admin Page
- Add, Edit & Delete Users
- Viewing The Users Details
- Add & Edit & Delete Donations
- Making User As Volunteer And Admin
This is the homepage of our website where we describe our goal.
Give your proper credential to get login.
This is where you can give you details to register your account into our website.
You can get to know about our organiization.
You can see the Volunteers of the organization.
You can get connect with us.
You can choose the fundraiser by Search and Filter method.
This is the single donation page where you can get more details of the fundraiser and you can donate also.
This is where you will do the payment for the donation after that you will receive a thankyou mail.
This access will be provided if he was a Volunteer, here he can add, edit or delete the donation he created.
If you forget your password or want to reset your password, you can give your email, then you will receive a link to change your password.
You can change your password.
You can view your profile here.
You can edit your profile here.
It shows graphs that are static.
You can see all the users present in the website .
You can view the user profile and payment history.
Admin can edit user profile.
You can see all the donations present in our site and you can also add donationt, delete and edit as well.
If you have any Feedback, Please reach out to us at jayachandran9629040900@gmail.com