- Java version 11 or higher.
To test the application run the following commands.
Download the repository files (project) from the download section or clone this project by typing in the bash the following command:
git clone https://github.com/abhranja-sudo/zendesk-ticket-viewer.git
By default program will be able to run from my credential
To add the custom credential, Open src/main/resources/config.properties and replace bearer token and base url
To run the application, go inside project directory
cd zendesk-ticket-viewer
On Mac/Linux
./mvnw clean install exec:java
Or on windows
mvnw.cmd clean install exec:java
Please note the above command will run all the unit tests as part of build.
The response to the user depends on the context user is currently in. In other words, the same user input should behave differently depending on the context user is in. Like pressing n (taking input for displaying next set of tickets) should be acceptable only if user is in the GetAllTicket screen. For rest of the context, It should be treated as invalid input. Thus, State Design Pattern seemed fit to achieve varying state. It enabled me alter the behavior when its state changes.
Component Overview
- Controller Communicates data between viewer and service layer. It stores the reference to one of the concrete service depending on state and delegates it to do all the state specific work.
- MenuService responsible to execute the business logic when the user is in Menu(Home) screen.
- GetAllTicketService when user chooses to view all the tickets, then state transitions to getAllTicketService and it will now be responsible to execute the business logic as long user is present in this context.
- GetTicketService Similarly as above, when user decides to view single tickets, then state transitions to this service and will process user inputs.
- TicketRetriever responsible for executing GET request to Zendesk API’s and throw exception if the response other than 2xx.
- Viewer Responsible for displaying prompt and taking input.
The frame which get displayed on screen is modular and can be composed with Header, Footer and the body which in-turn can be composed with varying options. This helped achieved building custom frame to show on screen for each scenario.
More Design Choices:
- Used cursor pagination to page through the ticket instead offset pagination as according to Zendesk documentation, Cursor pagination provides greatly improved performance when retrieving extremely large record sets. This effectively means if we chose to import large data at once, we will not have to change the existing way of doing things.
- GetAllTicketService Only fetching 25 tickets at once as user demands it as it helps keeping our service simpler. On the further iteration, the user experience can be improved further by pre fetching at least 50 ticket ahead of the latest displayed ticket.