ecommerce website(for nike shoes )
Link to website:
- User & Admin Authentication
- Payment gateways integrated: Razorpay, PayPal
- Cash On Delivery
- Image Cropping and multiple image upload using multer
- Responsive Design
- High-Resolution Photos
- Offers and Coupons
- Sales Reports(Admin side)
- Social Authentication
- User profile
- OTP-Login
- Image Zooming
- Brand wise offer
- Product searching option
- Multiple Address Management
- User Block/Unblock(By admin)
- Chart & Graph reports on Admin side
- Form Validation
- Product & Category Management in Admin side
- Load balancer
- Wishlist
- Node js
- Express js
- Bootstrap
- Handlebars(view engine)
- MongoDB
- Nginx
- Twilio
- User generated reviews
- Order-tracking