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lilgit - A smol (quick) git status plugin

lilgit demo

Prompt-induced command lag in large repos like is annoying.

Something like gitstatusd is an improvement, but it still felt slow and returns a lot of detail I don't use in my prompt. I wrote lilgit to see if I could trade detail for speed. (TL;DR: yes. See Performance for more.)

How do I try it out?

If you have Nix installed you can open a lilgit ~demo shell by running:

# if you have nix-command and flakes enabled:
nix develop github:abathur/lilgit

# otherwise, you can use either of the below:
nix develop github:abathur/lilgit --extra-experimental-features 'flakes nix-command'
nix-shell -E 'import (fetchGit { url=""; ref="main"; } + "/shell.nix")'

Each time you run a command, it'll clearly indicate lilgit's output, and how long it took to generate.

What does it cover?

Some of the speed comes from what I've left out, so I know it won't work for everyone. I'm happy to discuss cases where you think it is wrong or misleading (especially if we can make it more accurate without a large performance penalty).

It prints a "name", which is:

  • blank if not in repo
  • branch name if on branch
  • detached @ 11_chars_of_hash if detached

That name is:

  • plain/uncolored if "clean"
  • red if it meets my idiomatic sense of "dirty":
    • latest local commit != latest upstream
    • working copy differs from upstream
    • working copy differs from HEAD

Does this work in $SHELL?

I assume it just works in bash for now, because the MVP depends on bash coproc.

It should work in other shells, and I'm open to help improving the daemonization model to pave the way :)

How do I use this?

You'll two main things to get started:

  1. get the lilgit package
  2. prepare your rc/profile script:
    • source lilgit.bash
    • add $__lilgit to your PS1
    • add __go_off_now_lilgit to an EXIT trap

Let's look at each of these in a little more detail.

Getting the lilgit package

If you're using flakes, you can see how I pull lilgit into my [bashrc flake] (

If you're using traditional Nix, you can use something like:

lilgit = (import (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
  owner = "abathur";
  repo = "lilgit";
  rev = "v0.3.1";
  hash = "sha256-vnK9LbhJHeSEiGA4sdWYrqTPvMEf9x0ykGulSyf2hYs=";

Preparing your rc/profile script

If you use resholve for your rc/profile script, you can just drop lilgit in the inputs as below:

pkgs.resholve.writeScript "trivial-test" {
  # interpreter can be "none" after nixos/nixpkgs#210761
  interpreter = "${pkgs.bash}/bin/bash";
  inputs = [ lilgit ];
} ''
source lilgit.bash
export PS1="$__lilgit"
trap __go_off_now_lilgit EXIT

You can find a complete real-world example of how I do this in

If you don't use resholve, you'll want to do one of the following:

  1. add lilgit to your system/user packages, and let your profile find lilgit via PATH lookup
  2. explicitly write/substitute the correct path to lilgit into your profile


It isn't a perfect picture, but you can find a benchmark table in each CI run's "performance" job. Here's an example:

test                                          status-provider  time   footprint
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x clean @ master'                           lilgit.bash      315ms  2276KB
'1x clean @ master'                           gitstatus.bash   865ms  30MB
'1x clean @ master'                           gitparse.bash    1.0s   2924KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x clean @ detached'                         lilgit.bash      101ms  2276KB
'1x clean @ detached'                         gitstatus.bash   925ms  30MB
'1x clean @ detached'                         gitparse.bash    984ms  2888KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x clean @ new branch'                       lilgit.bash      218ms  2272KB
'1x clean @ new branch'                       gitstatus.bash   872ms  29MB
'1x clean @ new branch'                       gitparse.bash    352ms  2900KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x dirty after rm'                           lilgit.bash      259ms  2272KB
'1x dirty after rm'                           gitstatus.bash   803ms  30MB
'1x dirty after rm'                           gitparse.bash    334ms  2880KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x clean after reset --hard'                 lilgit.bash      251ms  2268KB
'1x clean after reset --hard'                 gitstatus.bash   845ms  30MB
'1x clean after reset --hard'                 gitparse.bash    350ms  2828KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x dirty after append'                       lilgit.bash      228ms  2284KB
'1x dirty after append'                       gitstatus.bash   824ms  30MB
'1x dirty after append'                       gitparse.bash    359ms  2916KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x dirty after stage'                        lilgit.bash      224ms  2276KB
'1x dirty after stage'                        gitstatus.bash   885ms  30MB
'1x dirty after stage'                        gitparse.bash    325ms  2908KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x clean after commit'                       lilgit.bash      193ms  2256KB
'1x clean after commit'                       gitstatus.bash   830ms  30MB
'1x clean after commit'                       gitparse.bash    285ms  2864KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'    lilgit.bash      229ms  2276KB
'1x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'    gitstatus.bash   800ms  30MB
'1x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'    gitparse.bash    322ms  2912KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'    lilgit.bash      222ms  2264KB
'1x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'    gitstatus.bash   888ms  30MB
'1x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'    gitparse.bash    330ms  2940KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'     lilgit.bash      102ms  2296KB
'1x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'     gitstatus.bash   846ms  30MB
'1x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'     gitparse.bash    339ms  2904KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'1x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'     lilgit.bash      108ms  2288KB
'1x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'     gitstatus.bash   872ms  30MB
'1x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'     gitparse.bash    368ms  2884KB

test                                          status-provider  time   footprint
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x clean @ master'                          lilgit.bash      1.28s  2428KB
'10x clean @ master'                          gitstatus.bash   2.62s  30MB
'10x clean @ master'                          gitparse.bash    8.59s  2900KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x clean @ detached'                        lilgit.bash      110ms  2288KB
'10x clean @ detached'                        gitstatus.bash   2.75s  30MB
'10x clean @ detached'                        gitparse.bash    2.77s  2916KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x clean @ new branch'                      lilgit.bash      1.33s  2368KB
'10x clean @ new branch'                      gitstatus.bash   2.71s  30MB
'10x clean @ new branch'                      gitparse.bash    2.23s  2964KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x dirty after rm'                          lilgit.bash      1.38s  2372KB
'10x dirty after rm'                          gitstatus.bash   2.69s  30MB
'10x dirty after rm'                          gitparse.bash    2.19s  2940KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x clean after reset --hard'                lilgit.bash      1.38s  2384KB
'10x clean after reset --hard'                gitstatus.bash   2.75s  30MB
'10x clean after reset --hard'                gitparse.bash    2.19s  2948KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x dirty after append'                      lilgit.bash      1.33s  2380KB
'10x dirty after append'                      gitstatus.bash   2.57s  30MB
'10x dirty after append'                      gitparse.bash    1.98s  2892KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x dirty after stage'                       lilgit.bash      1.33s  2376KB
'10x dirty after stage'                       gitstatus.bash   2.52s  30MB
'10x dirty after stage'                       gitparse.bash    1.96s  2936KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x clean after commit'                      lilgit.bash      1.9s   2364KB
'10x clean after commit'                      gitstatus.bash   2.54s  30MB
'10x clean after commit'                      gitparse.bash    1.82s  2928KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'   lilgit.bash      1.26s  2344KB
'10x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'   gitstatus.bash   2.49s  30MB
'10x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'   gitparse.bash    2.2s   2928KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'   lilgit.bash      1.29s  2356KB
'10x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'   gitstatus.bash   2.67s  29MB
'10x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'   gitparse.bash    2.13s  2928KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'    lilgit.bash      112ms  2408KB
'10x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'    gitstatus.bash   2.56s  30MB
'10x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'    gitparse.bash    2.3s   2900KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'10x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'    lilgit.bash      115ms  2408KB
'10x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'    gitstatus.bash   2.48s  30MB
'10x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'    gitparse.bash    2.7s   2932KB

test                                          status-provider  time   footprint
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x clean @ master'                         lilgit.bash      10.9s  2436KB
'100x clean @ master'                         gitstatus.bash   19.0s  30MB
'100x clean @ master'                         gitparse.bash    1m22s  2980KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x clean @ detached'                       lilgit.bash      180ms  2296KB
'100x clean @ detached'                       gitstatus.bash   19.5s  30MB
'100x clean @ detached'                       gitparse.bash    19.5s  2928KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x clean @ new branch'                     lilgit.bash      11.7s  2404KB
'100x clean @ new branch'                     gitstatus.bash   14.0s  30MB
'100x clean @ new branch'                     gitparse.bash    18.5s  2980KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x dirty after rm'                         lilgit.bash      11.4s  2376KB
'100x dirty after rm'                         gitstatus.bash   13.9s  30MB
'100x dirty after rm'                         gitparse.bash    19.2s  2980KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x clean after reset --hard'               lilgit.bash      11.7s  2392KB
'100x clean after reset --hard'               gitstatus.bash   13.8s  30MB
'100x clean after reset --hard'               gitparse.bash    18.6s  2964KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x dirty after append'                     lilgit.bash      11.5s  2376KB
'100x dirty after append'                     gitstatus.bash   13.9s  30MB
'100x dirty after append'                     gitparse.bash    18.4s  2988KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x dirty after stage'                      lilgit.bash      11.5s  2372KB
'100x dirty after stage'                      gitstatus.bash   13.8s  30MB
'100x dirty after stage'                      gitparse.bash    18.7s  2972KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x clean after commit'                     lilgit.bash      9.39s  2384KB
'100x clean after commit'                     gitstatus.bash   14.0s  30MB
'100x clean after commit'                     gitparse.bash    15.8s  2956KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'  lilgit.bash      11.1s  2396KB
'100x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'  gitstatus.bash   13.8s  30MB
'100x dirty after reset --soft w/o upstream'  gitparse.bash    18.4s  2976KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'  lilgit.bash      11.3s  2400KB
'100x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'  gitstatus.bash   13.9s  30MB
'100x clean after reset --hard w/o upstream'  gitparse.bash    18.6s  2972KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'   lilgit.bash      208ms  2356KB
'100x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'   gitstatus.bash   14.0s  30MB
'100x dirty after reset --soft w/ upstream'   gitparse.bash    18.8s  2980KB
----                                          ----             ----   ----
'100x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'   lilgit.bash      211ms  2376KB
'100x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'   gitstatus.bash   13.9s  30MB
'100x dirty after reset --hard w/ upstream'   gitparse.bash    18.7s  2972KB


  • Each test pays startup overhead once and runs the prompt-printing function the specified number of times. I used a few different counts so that it's easier to get a sense of the fixed startup costs and per-call performance.
  • Measures memory use with the bsd footprint command because it seems to do a good job of measuring the persistent marginal overhead of the daemons (which GNU time was missing). Both gitparse.bash and lilgit.bash can trigger git invocations like git diff --quiet and git status, which take nearly 15MB against my local nixpkgs checkout according to GNU time. I'll be happy if anyone contributes a more accurate accounting.
  • The current difference in daemonization models for lilgit and gitstatus mean the reported numbers for both are a bit of a fiction relative to real world uses.
    • lilgitd's per-instance use should be fairly stable--but it will currently run one instance per terminal. (See #2 for more on ~fixing this.)
    • the single instance of gitstatusd can take up more memory as you use it against different repos.


a smol (quick) git status prompt plugin






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