This codebase runs -- the Project Ben-Yehuda digital library of works in Hebrew.
We make little effort to make the code general, but if you're looking to do something similar (e.g. a digital library in Yiddish), maybe you can adapt some of our code.
To set up a development environment, ensure you have a modern docker compose setup (e.g. run sudo apt-get install docker-compose-v2
on Debian-like systems) and inside docker/bybe_dev run docker compose up -d
to get started. See the README file in that folder for more.
- Pandoc 2.10 or higher for generating ebooks and other formats. (previous versions skip SmartTag tags in DOCX files, causing random letters to disappear in certain DOCXes with extraneous mark-up.
- wkhtmltopdf for PDF generation
- ElasticSearch for search ** for the Hebrew analyzer for ElasticSearch
- YAZ and libyaz-dev for the 'zoom' gem for the bibliographic workshop
- watir and selenium for scraping other catalogue systems
- libpcap-dev for net-dns2
- libmagickwand-dev for RMagick
- libmysqlclient-dev for mysql2
- sidekiq for scheduled jobs using systemd
- redis as backend for sidekiq
- memcached for caching
Since 2024 we've included some linters in project, namely:
Most simple command:
Will check whole project. In most cases it is not required. Also it will produce tons of warnings, as many parts of codebase does not follow style guidelines.
In most cases you may want to check single file:
rubocop <Path to file>
Another useful feature is rubocop's autocorrection. In some cases rubocop can try to fix style violations on its own.
There is "safe" autocorrection which should be OK in most cases:
rubocop -a <Path to file>
And more risky version of it, which can fix more issues, but known to produce errors more often:
rubocop -A <Path to file>
In any case you should be careful with autocorrection and always check result of autocorrection before commiting it to git.
To run linters only on those parts of projects, affected by your PR you can use pronto tool. For example following command:
pronto run -c origin/master
will run linters only on lines of code which were changed compared to origin/master
branch. Our CI pipeline uses
this approach for all PRs.
The code is available for re-use under the GNU Affero General Public License