Persistence tools for Meshtastic/MQTT integration
This is a set of tools anc configurations that will allow you to pull data from any Meshtastic MQTT feed and persist that data to a well-structured relational database for further analysis. It is relatively easy to set up and uses standard PyPI python libraries. It can be run on a Raspberry Pi to provide a complete, local/disconnected information system. Instructions can be found in
To set up this python project:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -e .
n.b. you will need the postgresql dev package installed to build psycopg. On Debian/Ubuntu:
apt get install libpq-dev
This project assumes you have a working Postgresql database set up on a reachable host, and have installed the PostGIS Spatial Reference addons. Begin by creating a pair of new users, mesh_ro and mesh_rw, and remember their passwords.
export db_host="localhost" # put the hostname of your Postgres server here
export db_port="5432" # this is the default postgres port
export rw_pw=$( date | md5sum | head -c 12)
sleep 2
export ro_pw=$( date | md5sum | head -c 12)
touch ~/.pgpass
chmod 600 ~/.pgpass
echo "$db_host:$db_port:meshtastic:mesh_ro:$ro_pw" >> ~/.pgpass
echo "$db_host:$db_port:meshtastic:mesh_rw:$rw_pw" >> ~/.pgpass
sudo -u postgres createuser -s -d -l mesh_rw
sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user mesh_rw with password '${rw_pw}'"
sudo -u postgres createuser -s -d -l mesh_ro
sudo -u postgres psql -c "alter user mesh_ro with password '${ro_pw}'"
PGPASSWORD=${rw_pw} createdb -h $db_host -p $db_port -U mesh_rw meshtastic
PGPASSWORD=${rw_pw} psql -h ${db_host} -p ${db_port} -U mesh_rw meshtastic -f db/meshtastic.sql
sed "s/PG_PASSWORD/${pg_rw}/g" mesh_persist.ini.template > mesh_persist.ini
sed -i "s/PG_HOST/${db_host}/g" mesh_persist.ini
sed -i "s/PG_PORT/${db_port}/g" mesh_persist.ini
# EDIT mesh_persist.ini to set your MQTT server information!!
If you're ambitious and have lots of DB disk space, you can take the full feed from the meshtastic core server. To do so, use this in your mesh_persist.ini:
For finer control over the stream, use the apprpriate country code, state, and region code for your area, i.e.: