Author: Jason L Perry (
Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Jason L Perry
License: MIT
This plugin adds helpers for the reCAPTCHA API. In your
views you can use the recaptcha_tags
method to embed the needed javascript,
and you can validate in your controllers with verify_recaptcha
or verify_recaptcha!
which throws an error on failiure.
obtain a reCAPTCHA API key. Note: Use localhost or in domain if using localhost:3000.
gem "recaptcha"
Keep keys out of the code base with environment variables.
Set in production and locally use dotenv, make sure to add it above recaptcha.
Otherwise see Alternative API key setup.
export RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY = '6Lc6BAAAAAAAAChqRbQZcn_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
export RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY = '6Lc6BAAAAAAAAKN3DRm6VA_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
Add recaptcha_tags
to the forms you want to protect.
<%= form_for @foo do |f| %>
# ... other tags
<%= recaptcha_tags %>
# ... other tags
<% end %>
And, add verify_recaptcha
logic to each form action that you've protected.
# app/controllers/users_controller.rb
@user =[:user].permit(:name))
if verify_recaptcha(model: @user) &&
redirect_to @user
render 'new'
See sinatra demo for details.
- add
gem 'recaptcha'
- set env variables
include Recaptcha::ClientHelper
where you needrecaptcha_tags
include Recaptcha::Verify
where you needverify_recaptcha
Some of the options available:
Option | Description |
:noscript | Include content (default true ) |
:theme | Specify the theme to be used per the API. Available options: dark and light . (default light ) |
:ajax | Render the dynamic AJAX captcha per the API. (default false ) |
:site_key | Override site API key |
:error | Override the error code returned from the reCAPTCHA API (default nil ) |
:size | Specify a size (default nil ) |
:hl | Optional. Forces the widget to render in a specific language. Auto-detects the user's language if unspecified. (See language codes) |
:nonce | Optional. Sets nonce attribute for script. Can be generated via SecureRandom.base64(32) . (default nil ) |
:id | Specify an html id attribute (default nil ) |
:script | If you do not need to add a script tag by helper you can set the option to false. It's necessary when you add a script tag manualy (default true ) |
:callback | Optional. Name of success callback function, executed when the user submits a successful response |
:expired_callback | Optional. Name of expiration callback function, executed when the reCAPTCHA response expires and the user needs to re-verify. |
:error_callback | Optional. Name of error callback function, executed when reCAPTCHA encounters an error (e.g. network connectivity) |
You can also override the html attributes for the sizes of the generated textarea
and iframe
elements, if CSS isn't your thing. Inspect the source of recaptcha_tags
to see these options.
This method returns true
or false
after processing the parameters from the reCAPTCHA widget. Why
isn't this a model validation? Because that violates MVC. You can use it like this, or how ever you
like. Passing in the ActiveRecord object is optional, if you do--and the captcha fails to verify--an
error will be added to the object for you to use.
Some of the options available:
Option | Description |
:model | Model to set errors. |
:attribute | Model attribute to receive errors. (default :base) |
:message | Custom error message. |
:secret_key | Override secret API key. |
:timeout | The number of seconds to wait for reCAPTCHA servers before give up. (default 3 ) |
:response | Custom response parameter. (default: params['g-recaptcha-response']) |
:hostname | Expected hostname or a callable that validates the hostname, see domain validation and hostname docs. (default: nil , but can be changed by setting config.hostname ) |
:env | Current environment. The request to verify will be skipped if the environment is specified in configuration under skip_verify_env |
Make sure to read Invisible reCAPTCHA.
- The
generates a submit button for you.
<%= form_for @foo do |f| %>
# ... other tags
<%= invisible_recaptcha_tags text: 'Submit form' %>
<% end %>
Then, add verify_recaptcha
to your controller as seen above.
- You will need a custom callback function, which is called after verification with Google's reCAPTCHA service. This callback function must submit the form. Optionally,
currently implements a JS function calledinvisibleRecaptchaSubmit
that is called when nocallback
is passed. Should you wish to overrideinvisibleRecaptchaSubmit
, you will need to useinvisible_recaptcha_tags script: false
, see lib/recaptcha/client_helper.rb for details. - The
generates a submit button for you.
<%= form_for @foo, html: {id: 'invisible-recaptcha-form'} do |f| %>
# ... other tags
<%= invisible_recaptcha_tags callback: 'submitInvisibleRecaptchaForm', text: 'Submit form' %>
<% end %>
// app/assets/javascripts/application.js
var submitInvisibleRecaptchaForm = function () {
Finally, add verify_recaptcha
to your controller as seen above.
- Specify
<%= form_for @foo, html: {id: 'invisible-recaptcha-form'} do |f| %>
# ... other tags
<button type="button" id="submit-btn">
<%= invisible_recaptcha_tags ui: :invisible, callback: 'submitInvisibleRecaptchaForm' %>
<% end %>
// app/assets/javascripts/application.js
document.getElementById('submit-btn').addEventListener('click', function (e) {
// do some validation
if(isValid) {
// call reCAPTCHA check
var submitInvisibleRecaptchaForm = function () {
reCAPTCHA passes two types of error explanation to a linked model. It will use the I18n gem to translate the default error message if I18n is available. To customize the messages to your locale, add these keys to your I18n backend:
error message displayed if the captcha words didn't match
displayed if a timeout error occured while attempting to verify the captcha
Also you can translate API response errors to human friendly by adding translations to the locale (config/locales/en.yml
verification_failed: 'Fail'
By default, reCAPTCHA is skipped in "test" and "cucumber" env. To enable it during test:
# config/initializers/recaptcha.rb
Recaptcha.configure do |config|
config.site_key = '6Lc6BAAAAAAAAChqRbQZcn_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
config.secret_key = '6Lc6BAAAAAAAAKN3DRm6VA_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
# Uncomment the following line if you are using a proxy server:
# config.proxy = ''
For temporary overwrites (not thread safe).
Recaptcha.with_configuration(site_key: '12345') do
# Do stuff with the overwritten site_key.
Pass in keys as options at runtime, for code base with multiple reCAPTCHA setups:
recaptcha_tags site_key: '6Lc6BAAAAAAAAChqRbQZcn_yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy'
# and
verify_recaptcha secret_key: '6Lc6BAAAAAAAAKN3DRm6VA_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
- Check out the wiki and leave whatever you found valuable there.
- Add multiple widgets to the same page
- Use Recaptcha with Devise