errare humanum est
garbage collected programming languages nomen omen code bloat
non free "software", non free "hardware" not a software but a puzzle or a novelty item "intellectual property" "patents" logic bomb
fractional reserve banking scam interest usury money idiocy
UN policy on "drugs" crime against humanity
ethanol poison, should be marked as not for human consumption and be available in hardware stores not food stores
moving images type ads, interrupting movies with ads etc. embedded algorithmic ads mind poison
eating animals cruelty
catholic style confessions for the underage madness
judicial murder aka capital "punishment", wars, genital mutilation madness
no woman at moon - apollo fix - artemis
"compulsory" "medical" "procedures" including "vaccination" shame on "doctors"
dentistry, "food" get lost
inverted letters on cars, sirens, flashing lights etc. f.y.already
"compulsory" "schooling" jails for the underage for "commiting" "crime" of being born
bdsm paedophilia aka corporal "punishment" for the underage crime
unwanted immision, lies, turning blind eye on the above stop already taxation aka "legalized" theft