- OpenIPC for Wyze V2 is forked from dafang-hacks and is based on a proprietary Wyze firmware (demo.bin) with implementations allowing the end user to take full control of their Wyze camera.
- OpenIPC for Wyze V1 is forked from fang-hacks and is based on a proprietary Xiaomi firmware (FIRMWARE_660R.bin) with implementations allowing the end user to take full control of their Wyze camera.
- At this time OpenIPC is not a 100% completely open source project as we rely upon the chinese base firmware at the moment to execute our payload (install method).
- We do not have intentions to rewrite low level boot code and drivers for this camera model, instead we provide end users the ability to mitigate risk by gaining full root control.
- Source code repositories for all added binaries will be added to the project shortly (snx_rtsp_server/dropbear). The inherent risk of a chinese base firmware can now be fully mitigated.
This process only works for Wyze V2. There are no flashing LED or sound effects from V1.
Download this git repository.
Copy the contents of firmware_mod/v2/ to the root of your sdcard.
Set up Wifi in the SD card config folder wpa_supplicant.conf
Power off your camera, insert the SD card
Hold the setup button, plug in your USB cable, keep holding the setup button for 3-6 seconds
Once the light is solid blue, release the button and wait for 3-4 minutes. The camera will reboot and change light status during this time.
The camera will appear on your network with a mac address similar to this: C8:02:8F:10:03:FA
To access the web interface, visit the camera's IP address in your browser (http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx). Username: dafang Password: ismart12
RTSP stream (when enabled), rtsp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8554/unicast
- Auto Night Mode does not work due to Wyze V2 missing LDR chip
- Full 1080p not supported. 1600x900 is maximum resolution.
- https://github.com/EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks/issues
Download and install Etcher or Win32 Disk Imager
Write the openipc_v0.2.4.img to your SDcard
Open the SDCard and edit the files .wifissid and .wifipasswd to match your network
Flash the firmware to the camera:
- Hold down the setup button for 10 seconds BEFORE connecting power
- With button still depressed, plug in power to the camera while continuing to hold for another 10 - 12 seconds.
- Release the button when the connection light blinks continually.
- Press the button again and you should hear a Chinese voice prompt if successful.
Remove SDcard and reboot camera and reinsert after boot until you hear "click click".
Repeat Step 5 until you hear "click click".
Run openipscan.sh or openipscanwin.sh if you're on windows/mac and find the IP address of your new OpenIP Camera. Note: MAC address will be changed to c0:6d:1a*
Proceed to the status web page and apply the hacks. http://[discoveredipaddress]/cgi-bin/status
NOTE: of you get a 404 error with a flashing blue led, Remove the sdcard and reinsert it. Shortly after thst the camera will go "click click" again. Proceed to the link now
Congratulations! Welcome to OpenIPC.
- firmware_mod/ - openipc sdcard firmware root structure and files
- firmware_original/ - original wyzecam stock firmware
- releases/ - openipc modified wyzecam firmware bin files and v1 release image
- wyze-firmware-unpacker/ - tools to modify and extract wyzecam firmware
- Download or clone the repo
- Copy the contents of firmware_mod/v2/ to the root of your sdcard.
- Set up Wifi in the SD card config folder wpa_supplicant.conf
- Download or clone the repo and cd into it
- Run ./update.sh openipciphere
Download and install Etcher or Win32 Disk Imager
Write the openipc_v0.2.4.img to your SDcard
Open the SDCard and edit the files .wifissid and .wifipasswd to match your network
Reboot camera and reinsert SDcard after boot until you hear "click click".
- RTSP: rtsp://[discoveredipaddress]/unicast Port 554
- SSH: root/openipcam Port 22 (earlier versions password is ismart12)
- update.sh - takes Wyze IP as first argument (updates via scp)
- openipscan.sh - scans for openip.cam mac address with nmap
- https://www.wyzecam.com/forums/topic/flashing-your-wyzecam-v1-firmware/
- Added stock firmware for wyzecamv2 and wyzecam pan.
- Removed built images for wyzecamv2.
- Added instructions on how to create proper installation sdcard for V2
- Combined sdcard image for Wyze V1 and V2.
- Fixed IR Support on Wyze V2..
- Support for Wyze V2. No longer supporting Wyze V1.
- HTML5 Web Interface
- Fork from dafang-hacks - https://github.com/EliasKotlyar/Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks
- Support for Home Assistant, RTSP Authentication and MJPEG Streaming
- RTSP configuration page with settings for rotate, mirror, flip, resolution, etc.
- RTSP authentication is now possible
- Crontab watchdog to reboot RTSP script
- Revert to original Wyze firmware instructions
- SCP update script from shell to camera
- Added Audio on RTSP control to Web interface
- Updated README for more clear instructions
- BTC: 3ByqQ73Sd6ykMm4JBzr4qoUt9Twtsm2ZBu
- LTC: LLgajqD8QMfib58RDHu141sZy4qdJ9skRu
- LSK: 7678123823745141779L
- XMR: 45mwzBGAXqMPTZDCKPq1ySEbGiKUJohWd3FyeC1HqqBag33eXUeVsKuC65ZJ9ttEenSyTHf7kzRvCSoUtvx3sqkoJPVNRKg
Thanks to EliasKotlyar for Xiaomi-Dafang-Hacks and @Datbit128 for help building the Wyze V2 CFW. Thanks to samtap for fanghacks used as the base for OpenIPC. Thanks to joeand37 for inspiration. Thanks to the various other developers on the fanghacks page who cross-compiled some of the binaries.
- Roadmap for OpenIPC Fork
- Wifi setup via SDcard script
- Includes downgrade firmware
- Audio on RTSP as a toggle option
- Includes rtsp scanner and openipc scanner
- dd if=/dev/sdx of=~/openipc_v0.2.x.img bs=1 count=262144000