This is a PTSD framework template for students taking OOPL2024s.
Clone your repository
git clone YOUR_GIT_URL --recursive
Build your project
Please build your project in Debug
because our Release
path is broken D:
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -B build # -G Ninja
better read PTSD README
After making new things, please write here to notify the other.
- I won't take time to write any update before today. If you want to know, just call me.
- At Resources:
- remove background_test.png
- add boundary_straight.png/horizontal.png at /Image/Background
- adjust the size of player.png, enemy.png
- At src:
- add GameMechanics.cpp, create new functions like Move(), Push(), HitBoundaryGetBack(), CrushEnemy() which declare at App.hpp
- add the boundary at App.cpp and App.hpp
- add some lines to declare objects at App.cpp(and App.hpp)
- At include:
- change some words at TaskText.hpp
- add StepText.hpp, which declare at App.hpp, with functions that can control the steps
- add GameMechanics.hpp, but barely write nothing in it
- add const float grid_size at App.hpp