This is a index to all my GitHub Repositories. It acts as a quick-link to all my projects as well as a description to each repo
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- 201 Notes - Notes for CMPUT 201 🏫
- 3D Print Doggy Chain Template - A doggy chain or tag template made in Fusion 360 (with template download) (can be 3D printed) 🐶
- Advent Of Code 2021 - Let's get hacking, 1 new programming language every day 👨💻 [Website @]
- Airtable Webhooks - Webhooks x Airtable (⚓x 💨)
- Algorithms - A useful collections of algorithms, formulas, APTs, and some other notes 🗒
- Ama - AMA 😃 [Website @]
- Ama Template - An AMA template
- Androidtemplate - An Android Template in the Android Studio 📱 📝
- Angular Template - A template for Angular 📝
- Awesome Github Profile Readme - 😎 A curated list of awesome Github Profile READMEs 📝 [Website @]
- Awesomewm - My Awesomewm dotfile
- Black Hole - Black Hole: Is for me? 🥺👉👈 [Website @]
- Blind 75 - #grindset
- Blog - My personal blog 📰 [Website @]
- Bottom Penguin - A new cryptocurrency for us penguins🐧 because why not 🥺👉👈 [Website @]
- Bottom Penguin Coin Website - The website for Bottom Penguin Coin 💸🚀💰 [Website @]
- Bottom Penguin Inheritance - A Solidity contract for bottom penguin coin inheritance 🔗
- C Template - A template for C 📝
- Caesar Cipher - Rusty 🦀
- Calgary Heist - Create your flashcards and race your friends in getting the right answer! [Website @]
- Capturethebread - For CTF - an 80 themed website🔆 [Website @]
- Cellular Automata - A simple command-line tool that generates gif images and animations from elementary cellular automata [Website @]
- Chatbots Testing Chatbots - Using chatbots to test chatbots
- Chatter - A realtime React-Firebase/Firestore online chat room app 📢 [Website @]
- Chess - A web chess board ♟️ made with jQuery and html canvas. Live @ [Website @]
- Choose Your Own Adventure React Maker - A Text Adventure Game Creator - Starting creating your adventure ⚔️ now by reading the readme then go here: [Website @]
- Cipher - A Feistel Cipher implemented in Python 🔐
- Climate Change Visualization - This website allows you to explore the effects of climate change around Canada in 3D! 🌎 (for Hack the 6ix) [Website @]
- Clockwork - From a 48 hour Game Jam 🎮. Download now @ [Website @]
- Clockworkfinished - This is the finished game of Soulwork 🕔 [Website @]
- Cmake Donut - CMake Donut 🍩
- Cmput 174 Review - Review of CMPUT 174 at U of A 🏫
- Cmput 229 - A brief overview of CMPUT 229 🏫
- Cmput 301 Lab4 - None
- Cmput 474 Nature Of Computation - Notes on CMPUT 474
- Converter - A React Native App that converters cooking units 🍝
- Coupon Jam - 🎟️ Coupon is a mobile first app that allows students to find coupons for their favorite stores [Website @]
- Course Requirements - Course requirements for U of A specialization 📝. Fillable form however no preview on GitHub
- Cpp Boilerplate - C++ boilerplate. Nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Cpp Fractions Lib - A fractions library in C++
- Cpp Gui Template - Template for wxWidgets GUI 📝
- Create Your Business - A doc for creating a business in Canada 🍁 [Website @]
- Credit Card Validator - A Rusty Credit Card Validator 💳
- Ctf Utils - From useful utils for CTF
- C Linked List - A singly linked list in C 🔗. Can be found in: [Website @]
- Data Formatting - Formats data from file and creates new file 📃
- Divineinspiration - Let's do them Experiments 🧪!
- Django Template - A Django template 📝
- Django Tutorial - A tutorial for Django projects 🏫
- Django Ecommerce App - A Django ecommerce application. Has a working login and shopping cart 🛒!
- Django Ecommerse App Deprecated - Django login application. Not live due to AWS high charging fees 💸 New version here: [Website @]
- Django Project Test - First Django project (test). For current Django project: [Website @]
- Docker React - A Docker file for React 🐳
- E For Dinosaurs - eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Eclass Dark - A Chrome extension that makes eClass dark along with some other quality of life adjustments! 👀 [Website @]
- Emoji Finder - A website dedicated to finding the emoji you want! Made with react ❤️ [Website @]
- Emojis On Electron - A port of my emoji finder react project to electron 📖
- Express Api - A REST API with Express
- Expressing Chess - Expressing chess with express.js, a backend node.js package ♟️
- Express Tutorial - A tutorial for express.js, a backend node.js package
- Fibonacci Mips - A fibonacci calculator in assembly 🧮
- Figma Docs - Documentation for Figma 📖 [Website @]
- Fizzbuzz - fizzbuzz in Java 🥤
- Fortified E - Monte Carlo Simulator for e using Fortran 🧮
- Fraction Cal Py - A fractions calculator written in Python 🖩
- Free Blender Models - Free Blender models! 🔨
- Functionally Set - A short description for functional languages + some code
- Gamesdendiscordbot - Small discord bot for the Games Den UofA club.
- Gdq2021 - You are the last Dodo on Earth. The Dutch Killer Robot is on the hunt and you have run out of places to hide. In the snowy mountains, you make your final stand. [Website @]
- Geometry Notes - Notes from MATH 241 Deprecated since I dropped the course 😳
- Ggj Alberta2020 - For Global Game Jam Edmonton; Jan. 31 - Feb. 2 2020 🎮
- Ggj2022 - Weather the Storm [Website @]
- Github Index Generator - Generate the list of your GitHub Repos 🤖
- Github Initer - Initializes a GitHub repo 😼
- Github Readme Stats - ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your GitHub readmes [Website @]
- Github Index - An index for all my GitHub repos 📋 [Website @]
- Gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates ❌
- Git Initer - A Shell script that git inits, adds, commits when run
- Git Initer Powershell - A Git initer, adder, and commits on first run 🤖. Based on
- Golang Template - A Go template, nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Google Sheets Script Public - A script using Google API to copy from template and replace things in each sheet 🤖
- Go Test - Testing Go by printing out if a number is prime
- Grapher Public - This project extracts data from a set of Google Sheets worksheets and graphs the result using Google Drive API and gspread and matplotlib 📈
- Groundhog Text Game - A text-based python game 🎮
- Hex Bot - Solving using RL (JK)
- High School Exercise Assignments - High school projects 🏫
- Holy Review - Review of HolyC
- Honor Cal Notes - Notes for honors (aka abstract) calculus! 🧮 GitHub does not support markdown with LaTeX so use the README.pdf [Website @]
- Innovator Jam 2021 - Attack from Above - an atmospheric isometric game with aliens 👾👽 [Website @]
- Intellij Idea Template - A template for an IntelliJ Idea project 📝
- Jar Unpacker - See what is in the cookie jar
- Javadocs - Java Docs for Divine Inspiration Project ( [Website @]
- Javascript Notes - Notes on JavaScript 📝
- Jekyll Klise - 🏖️ Klisé is a minimalist Jekyll theme for running a personal site or blog, light & dark mode support. ( [Website @]
- Kattis Solutions - 😾Kattis solutions (Competitive Programming) [Website @]
- Kitchen Dash - Why get food delivered when you can make your own? 🍝 [Website @]
- Kitchen Dash Website - Kitchen Dash Landing Page 🚀 [Website @]
- Lab 8 Template Wednesday - A Lab project for CMPUT 301 utilizing Travis CI 🏫
- Lab Basicblocks - CMPUT 229 Final Project - Basic Blocks
- Latex Katex Converter - LaTeX to KaTeX convertor! Sequel to Latex Moodle Converter but with more stuff 🔃 [Website @]
- Latex Moodle Converter - A LaTeX to Moodle Converter 🔃 [Website @]
- Latex Slideshow Template - A LaTeX slideshow template with lower bloat based on OsloMet
- Lazy Tensorflow - When you don't want to install Tensorflow so you just do it on Google Colab 😩 [Website @]
- Learn Coding - Learn Python coding with interactive coding exercises 💻! Made in Jupyter Notebooks so you can work online in Google Collab [Website @]
- Leetcode - some leetcode solutions 🤓 [Website @]
- Lit Discord Server - A guide to making a 🔥 lit Discord Server
- Lit Website - My lit portfolio website 🔥(Deprecated) [Website @]
- Litter Website - A more lit version of my lit website 🔥 [Website @]
- Lottie - None [Website @]
- Lua Online - Lua Online Editor 👨💻: [Website @]
- Lua Runner - A NPM package to run Lua 🌠 with over 2.5k Downloads! [Website @]
- Mac Dotfiles - My dotfiles for mac
- Makefile Template - A makefile template 📝
- Man Template - A template for your man file
- Math322 - None
- Matrix Multiplication - Matrix multiplication app using C++ 📊
- Mb3D - Mandelbulb3D, a 3D fractal generator 🎨 [Website @]
- Memory - A matching game using pygame 🧠
- Metapost - A website aimed to help those with difficulty seeing images and videos post these media forms to Facebook with a description [Website @]
- Metapyscript - A new way to program in 0 lines of code 🧠
- Midi Bot - A discord bot that produces the MIDI from user inputted notes 🤖
- Midi Interface - A interface for MIDIUtil 🎹
- Ml Now - A collection of simple ML projects 🤖
- Next Django Template - A template for a Next/Django Application - a full stack template
- Next Scss Template - A template for next apps with SCSS
- Next Template - A Next Template
- Nix Wsl - Learning nix flakes with home manager
- No Code - No code in firefox 😳 [Website @]
- Not 10 - Don't say 🔟 [Website @]
- Nvim - my nvim settings 🌠
- Old Resume Template - Old LaTeX resume template 📝. See new resume template below [Website @]
- Opengl Pyramid - An intro into OpenGL (C++ Graphics)
- Overleaf Lite - A light weight version of overleaf made with AngularJS 📑 [Website @]
- Pandoc Action Example - using the pandoc document converter on GitHub Actions 🤖
- Pasta Disasta - What happens when you roll the can of pasta 🍝 (made with matter.js) [Website @]
- Pdf Splitter - A python script that splits pdfs in multiple parts ✂️📄
- Pdf Merger - A simple pdf merger using Python 📝
- Personal Snippets - My personal vs code snippets ✂️
- Personal Branded Website - This is the old personal website, the new one is @ [Website @]
- Personal Old Website - My old personal website. The new one is @ [Website @]
- Personal Website - My new "static" website, live @
- Phionthrium - The modern way to donate! Use blockchain technology to secretly, safely, and securely contribute to your favorite creators, nonprofits, or startups 💸 [Website @]
- Pong - A pong inspired game 🏓
- Positron Google Chrome Extension - Positron is a Chrome extension that scans all posts on your social media feed and hides them before you even see it. Our extension gives a reason for why it hide the post and allows you to view it if you so choose. There are several types of post that our system will flag including hate speech, self harm, harassment, and more! [Website @]
- Positron Website - For HackED 2024 (also see the extension at [Website @]
- Primes - A prime detector is TypeScript
- Processing Sketches - Sketches made using Processing [Website @]
- Push2Production - For Calgary Hack (Withdrawn)
- Pygithub Sorter - Sorting GitHub repos using Python and PyGithub
- Python Boilerplate - Python Boilerplate. Nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Python Fractions Module - A fractions module in Python
- Quarantined Game Jam - Game Jam during Quarantine 😷. Play now online here: [Website @]
- React Native Template - A template for React Native 📱 📝
- React Template - A react template 📝
- Readme Template - A template for README files 📝
- Reboot - REBOOT - a VR/PC prototype for use in pain research and rehabilitation to help address financial barriers in the delivery of VR neurofeedback intervention 🧠 [Website @]
- Replace Text - Replaces text with terms defined in dictionary 📝
- Requirements Maker - Supply a list of the modules by the pypi name (comma separated list) and will output a requirements.txt 📝
- Rereceipt - For HackED 2022
- Resume Template - A LaTeX resume template 📝
- Rl Now - Some RL thingz
- Robotics Scoreboard - A simple scoreboard website for two teams (with timer ⏲️) [Website @]
- Rref - A ref calculator in C++ 🧮
- Saveimagetogallery - This is the code to save the image from Imageview to galley in Android Studio 📸
- Scroll With Style - A stylized scrollbar Chrome extension [Website @]
- Sheettomidi - A sheet music (picture) to MIDI file converter 🎶
- Sherp2.0 - A discord bot
- Shopping List - A static site generator - will be used as a shopping list 🛒 [Website @]
- Shortcut Vur - Blender mouse and keyboard input viewer ⌨️
- Shorter - A URL shortener 🩳 [Website @]
- Socks And Found - For Global Game Jam 2021 🎮 [Website @]
- Speedy Jwplayer - It is a simple Chrome extension that modifies the speed of ⏩ JW Player
- Spinning Donuts - Spinning ASCII Donuts! 🍩
- Spline Piano - An interactive online piano made with 🎹 [Website @]
- Spring Boilerplate - A Springboot boilerplate
- Stable Diffusion - Stable Diffusion - AI generated art 🖼️
- Strings - common string operations🧵
- Synapse - Synapse is a tool that generates interactive graphs of course prerequisites and corequisites using data extracted from the UAlberta course catalogue. [Website @]
- T3 Boilerplate App - Quickest way to start a new web app with full stack typesafety [Website @]
- Template - A standard template containing a README and a license 📝
- Tensorflow Installation Guide - A guide to installing TensorFlow 2 🤖
- Tensorflow Test - The test tensorflow project
- Tic Tac Toe - Tic Tac Toe using wxFormBuilder and wxPython ❌
- Time To Get Swifty - Learning SwiftUI
- Tryhackme - Hacker Man 👨💻 [Website @]
- Typescript Template - A simple TypeScript template, nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Uapspc Club - Problem Solving and Programming Club is a club where geeks and nerds 🤓 hang out for some hard core classic computational challenges. i.e. not for me
- Unboxing - A very jank unboxing game 🧰
- Unintelligible One Liner - Intro to APL - Monte Carlo Simulation for Pi 🥧
- Unity Advanced 3D Tutorial - An overview of advanced Unity 3D features 🎮! [Website @]
- Unity Tutorial 2D - A Unity Tutorial for 2D games 🎮! Acts as a template for a 2D platformer
- Unity Tutorial 3D - A Unity Tutorial for 3D games 🎮! Can act as a 3D template for a platformer
- Unity User Guide - A Unity User Guide that supplements the Unity Documentation, along with some tips and tricks! Is a collection of my 2D and 3D notes on Unity 🎮
- Unreal Template Old - A Old Unreal Template with a Git bug 🪲. New one here: [Website @]
- Unreal Tutorial - An Unreal Engine tutorial! Acts as a 1st person Unreal template as well 🎮 [Website @]
- Uwufier - Convert to #1 language UwULang 🥺👉👈
- Uwulang - #1 🥺👉👈(just for deploy) [Website @]
- Uwulang Docs - UwULang docs for the nerds! 🤓 [Website @]
- Uwulang Website - The website for UwULang [Website @]
- Vim Help - This is to help getting up and running with Vim ☄
- Vscode Prints - vs-code extension that has print snippets in multiple languages so you don't have to type them! 🖨️
- Vs Project - A starting point for C++ in Visual Studio 📝
- Web Goals - Makes goals or TODOs with a time-based component and a section for markdown 📝. Live @ [Website @]
- Website Boilerplate - Website boilerplate, nothing more, nothing else 📝
- Weekly - The weekly coding or marketing status (based on but opposite to [Website @]
- Wordpress Boilerplate - wordpress starter file
- Wordpressboilerplatetheme - A template for developing WordPress themes and plugins
- Wsl Dotfiles - Windows/ WSL dotfiles 🪟
- Your Clipboard - An electron app that acts as your clipboard 📋
- Zemeroth - 😠⚔️😈 A minimalistic 2D turn-based tactical game in Rust [Website @]
- Zero Knowledge Proof - ZKP theoretically in Rust (interactive)
- Zeyu Li - A little snippet about myself 😀!
- .bashrc - My bashrc file for WSL2
- .gitignore - a gitignore for WordPress within the wp-content directory/folder
- .vimrc - A vim setting gist
- - Notes on setting up C# console application
- - Changes git user
- cloudSettings - Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
- - Counts the number of GitHub repos a person has
- - Installing docker on Cybera
- - A simple help guide for Discord noobs
- empty.ipynb - An empty Jupyter notebook file - the file is not recognized if empty
- - Generate a List of Files along With File Type (Hand wavy)
- - Script to find all files of a type in current folder
- - generates a folder and copies a md item to clipboard
- github.service - Running github actions locally
- - Jekyll for WSL - do
sh PostTitle
to post, open in explorer and serve - install.txt - Install new Scala
- - Java is the best
- LICENSE - ABRMS (Anyone But Richard M Stallman) Troll License from
- lorem.txt - 5000 words of Lorem Ipsum!
- Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 - Store in C:\Users{$USERNAME}\Documents\WindowsPowerShell
- - generates a level of the pascal triangle
- - approximates pi via Monte Carlo
- - The maximized version of readme GitHub Index
- - A minified readme of the GitHub Index
- - A list of all my projects
- - Does regex searches
- - Run 3 Cheat
- shut.bat - close WSL2
- skull.tex - A TiKZ drawing of a skull, converted from svg
- spotify_backup_2023.csv - 2023 Playlist backup from
- Unintelligible One Liner - Intro to APL - Monte Carlo Simulation for Pi 🥧
- Clockworkfinished - This is the finished game of Soulwork 🕔 [Website @]
- Fibonacci Mips - A fibonacci calculator in assembly 🧮
- Lab Basicblocks - CMPUT 229 Final Project - Basic Blocks
- Create Your Business - A doc for creating a business in Canada 🍁 [Website @]
- C Template - A template for C 📝
- C Linked List - A singly linked list in C 🔗. Can be found in: [Website @]
- Lua Online - Lua Online Editor 👨💻: [Website @]
- Uwulang - #1 🥺👉👈(just for deploy) [Website @]
- Clockwork - From a 48 hour Game Jam 🎮. Download now @ [Website @]
- Ggj Alberta2020 - For Global Game Jam Edmonton; Jan. 31 - Feb. 2 2020 🎮
- Innovator Jam 2021 - Attack from Above - an atmospheric isometric game with aliens 👾👽 [Website @]
- Quarantined Game Jam - Game Jam during Quarantine 😷. Play now online here: [Website @]
- Unity Advanced 3D Tutorial - An overview of advanced Unity 3D features 🎮! [Website @]
- Unity Tutorial 2D - A Unity Tutorial for 2D games 🎮! Acts as a template for a 2D platformer
- Unity Tutorial 3D - A Unity Tutorial for 3D games 🎮! Can act as a 3D template for a platformer
- Algorithms - A useful collections of algorithms, formulas, APTs, and some other notes 🗒
- Cmake Donut - CMake Donut 🍩
- Cpp Boilerplate - C++ boilerplate. Nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Cpp Fractions Lib - A fractions library in C++
- Cpp Gui Template - Template for wxWidgets GUI 📝
- Kattis Solutions - 😾Kattis solutions (Competitive Programming) [Website @]
- Matrix Multiplication - Matrix multiplication app using C++ 📊
- Opengl Pyramid - An intro into OpenGL (C++ Graphics)
- Rref - A ref calculator in C++ 🧮
- Uapspc Club - Problem Solving and Programming Club is a club where geeks and nerds 🤓 hang out for some hard core classic computational challenges. i.e. not for me
- Kitchen Dash Website - Kitchen Dash Landing Page 🚀 [Website @]
- No Code - No code in firefox 😳 [Website @]
- Unboxing - A very jank unboxing game 🧰
- Docker React - A Docker file for React 🐳
- Stable Diffusion - Stable Diffusion - AI generated art 🖼️
- Fortified E - Monte Carlo Simulator for e using Fortran 🧮
- Gdq2021 - You are the last Dodo on Earth. The Dutch Killer Robot is on the hunt and you have run out of places to hide. In the snowy mountains, you make your final stand. [Website @]
- Ggj2022 - Weather the Storm [Website @]
- Golang Template - A Go template, nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Go Test - Testing Go by printing out if a number is prime
- Jar Unpacker - See what is in the cookie jar
- Uwufier - Convert to #1 language UwULang 🥺👉👈
- Angular Template - A template for Angular 📝
- Capturethebread - For CTF - an 80 themed website🔆 [Website @]
- Django Ecommerce App - A Django ecommerce application. Has a working login and shopping cart 🛒!
- Django Ecommerse App Deprecated - Django login application. Not live due to AWS high charging fees 💸 New version here: [Website @]
- Emoji Finder - A website dedicated to finding the emoji you want! Made with react ❤️ [Website @]
- Expressing Chess - Expressing chess with express.js, a backend node.js package ♟️
- Latex Moodle Converter - A LaTeX to Moodle Converter 🔃 [Website @]
- Personal Branded Website - This is the old personal website, the new one is @ [Website @]
- Personal Old Website - My old personal website. The new one is @ [Website @]
- Personal Website - My new "static" website, live @
- Spline Piano - An interactive online piano made with 🎹 [Website @]
- Website Boilerplate - Website boilerplate, nothing more, nothing else 📝
- Functionally Set - A short description for functional languages + some code
- Holy Review - Review of HolyC
- Divineinspiration - Let's do them Experiments 🧪!
- Fizzbuzz - fizzbuzz in Java 🥤
- Intellij Idea Template - A template for an IntelliJ Idea project 📝
- Spring Boilerplate - A Springboot boilerplate
- Airtable Webhooks - Webhooks x Airtable (⚓x 💨)
- Black Hole - Black Hole: Is for me? 🥺👉👈 [Website @]
- Bottom Penguin Coin Website - The website for Bottom Penguin Coin 💸🚀💰 [Website @]
- Chatter - A realtime React-Firebase/Firestore online chat room app 📢 [Website @]
- Chess - A web chess board ♟️ made with jQuery and html canvas. Live @ [Website @]
- Choose Your Own Adventure React Maker - A Text Adventure Game Creator - Starting creating your adventure ⚔️ now by reading the readme then go here: [Website @]
- Converter - A React Native App that converters cooking units 🍝
- Eclass Dark - A Chrome extension that makes eClass dark along with some other quality of life adjustments! 👀 [Website @]
- Emojis On Electron - A port of my emoji finder react project to electron 📖
- Express Api - A REST API with Express
- Express Tutorial - A tutorial for express.js, a backend node.js package
- Github Readme Stats - ⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your GitHub readmes [Website @]
- Kitchen Dash - Why get food delivered when you can make your own? 🍝 [Website @]
- Lottie - None [Website @]
- Metapost - A website aimed to help those with difficulty seeing images and videos post these media forms to Facebook with a description [Website @]
- Next Scss Template - A template for next apps with SCSS
- Next Template - A Next Template
- Not 10 - Don't say 🔟 [Website @]
- Pasta Disasta - What happens when you roll the can of pasta 🍝 (made with matter.js) [Website @]
- Phionthrium - The modern way to donate! Use blockchain technology to secretly, safely, and securely contribute to your favorite creators, nonprofits, or startups 💸 [Website @]
- Push2Production - For Calgary Hack (Withdrawn)
- React Native Template - A template for React Native 📱 📝
- React Template - A react template 📝
- Rereceipt - For HackED 2022
- Robotics Scoreboard - A simple scoreboard website for two teams (with timer ⏲️) [Website @]
- Scroll With Style - A stylized scrollbar Chrome extension [Website @]
- Speedy Jwplayer - It is a simple Chrome extension that modifies the speed of ⏩ JW Player
- Uwulang Docs - UwULang docs for the nerds! 🤓 [Website @]
- Web Goals - Makes goals or TODOs with a time-based component and a section for markdown 📝. Live @ [Website @]
- Your Clipboard - An electron app that acts as your clipboard 📋
- 201 Notes - Notes for CMPUT 201 🏫
- Lazy Tensorflow - When you don't want to install Tensorflow so you just do it on Google Colab 😩 [Website @]
- Learn Coding - Learn Python coding with interactive coding exercises 💻! Made in Jupyter Notebooks so you can work online in Google Collab [Website @]
- Ml Now - A collection of simple ML projects 🤖
- Rl Now - Some RL thingz
- Androidtemplate - An Android Template in the Android Studio 📱 📝
- Awesomewm - My Awesomewm dotfile
- Nvim - my nvim settings 🌠
- Spinning Donuts - Spinning ASCII Donuts! 🍩
- Strings - common string operations🧵
- Makefile Template - A makefile template 📝
- 3D Print Doggy Chain Template - A doggy chain or tag template made in Fusion 360 (with template download) (can be 3D printed) 🐶
- Ama - AMA 😃 [Website @]
- Ama Template - An AMA template
- Cmput 229 - A brief overview of CMPUT 229 🏫
- Cmput 301 Lab4 - None
- Cmput 474 Nature Of Computation - Notes on CMPUT 474
- E For Dinosaurs - eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
- Figma Docs - Documentation for Figma 📖 [Website @]
- Free Blender Models - Free Blender models! 🔨
- Github Index - An index for all my GitHub repos 📋 [Website @]
- Gitignore - A collection of useful .gitignore templates ❌
- Honor Cal Notes - Notes for honors (aka abstract) calculus! 🧮 GitHub does not support markdown with LaTeX so use the README.pdf [Website @]
- Javadocs - Java Docs for Divine Inspiration Project ( [Website @]
- Javascript Notes - Notes on JavaScript 📝
- Lab 8 Template Wednesday - A Lab project for CMPUT 301 utilizing Travis CI 🏫
- Lit Discord Server - A guide to making a 🔥 lit Discord Server
- Math322 - None
- Pandoc Action Example - using the pandoc document converter on GitHub Actions 🤖
- Personal Snippets - My personal vs code snippets ✂️
- Positron Google Chrome Extension - Positron is a Chrome extension that scans all posts on your social media feed and hides them before you even see it. Our extension gives a reason for why it hide the post and allows you to view it if you so choose. There are several types of post that our system will flag including hate speech, self harm, harassment, and more! [Website @]
- Readme Template - A template for README files 📝
- Reboot - REBOOT - a VR/PC prototype for use in pain research and rehabilitation to help address financial barriers in the delivery of VR neurofeedback intervention 🧠 [Website @]
- Saveimagetogallery - This is the code to save the image from Imageview to galley in Android Studio 📸
- Template - A standard template containing a README and a license 📝
- Tensorflow Installation Guide - A guide to installing TensorFlow 2 🤖
- Tryhackme - Hacker Man 👨💻 [Website @]
- Unity User Guide - A Unity User Guide that supplements the Unity Documentation, along with some tips and tricks! Is a collection of my 2D and 3D notes on Unity 🎮
- Unreal Template Old - A Old Unreal Template with a Git bug 🪲. New one here: [Website @]
- Unreal Tutorial - An Unreal Engine tutorial! Acts as a 1st person Unreal template as well 🎮 [Website @]
- Vim Help - This is to help getting up and running with Vim ☄
- Vscode Prints - vs-code extension that has print snippets in multiple languages so you don't have to type them! 🖨️
- Vs Project - A starting point for C++ in Visual Studio 📝
- Zeyu Li - A little snippet about myself 😀!
- Nix Wsl - Learning nix flakes with home manager
- Shopping List - A static site generator - will be used as a shopping list 🛒 [Website @]
- Wordpress Boilerplate - wordpress starter file
- Wordpressboilerplatetheme - A template for developing WordPress themes and plugins
- Mb3D - Mandelbulb3D, a 3D fractal generator 🎨 [Website @]
- Github Initer - Initializes a GitHub repo 😼
- Git Initer Powershell - A Git initer, adder, and commits on first run 🤖. Based on
- Processing Sketches - Sketches made using Processing [Website @]
- Blind 75 - #grindset
- Bottom Penguin - A new cryptocurrency for us penguins🐧 because why not 🥺👉👈 [Website @]
- Cipher - A Feistel Cipher implemented in Python 🔐
- Ctf Utils - From useful utils for CTF
- Data Formatting - Formats data from file and creates new file 📃
- Django Template - A Django template 📝
- Django Tutorial - A tutorial for Django projects 🏫
- Django Project Test - First Django project (test). For current Django project: [Website @]
- Fraction Cal Py - A fractions calculator written in Python 🖩
- Gamesdendiscordbot - Small discord bot for the Games Den UofA club.
- Github Index Generator - Generate the list of your GitHub Repos 🤖
- Google Sheets Script Public - A script using Google API to copy from template and replace things in each sheet 🤖
- Grapher Public - This project extracts data from a set of Google Sheets worksheets and graphs the result using Google Drive API and gspread and matplotlib 📈
- Groundhog Text Game - A text-based python game 🎮
- High School Exercise Assignments - High school projects 🏫
- Leetcode - some leetcode solutions 🤓 [Website @]
- Memory - A matching game using pygame 🧠
- Metapyscript - A new way to program in 0 lines of code 🧠
- Midi Bot - A discord bot that produces the MIDI from user inputted notes 🤖
- Midi Interface - A interface for MIDIUtil 🎹
- Next Django Template - A template for a Next/Django Application - a full stack template
- Pdf Splitter - A python script that splits pdfs in multiple parts ✂️📄
- Pdf Merger - A simple pdf merger using Python 📝
- Pong - A pong inspired game 🏓
- Pygithub Sorter - Sorting GitHub repos using Python and PyGithub
- Python Boilerplate - Python Boilerplate. Nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Python Fractions Module - A fractions module in Python
- Replace Text - Replaces text with terms defined in dictionary 📝
- Requirements Maker - Supply a list of the modules by the pypi name (comma separated list) and will output a requirements.txt 📝
- Sheettomidi - A sheet music (picture) to MIDI file converter 🎶
- Sherp2.0 - A discord bot
- Shortcut Vur - Blender mouse and keyboard input viewer ⌨️
- Tensorflow Test - The test tensorflow project
- Tic Tac Toe - Tic Tac Toe using wxFormBuilder and wxPython ❌
- Man Template - A template for your man file
- Wsl Dotfiles - Windows/ WSL dotfiles 🪟
- Advent Of Code 2021 - Let's get hacking, 1 new programming language every day 👨💻 [Website @]
- Caesar Cipher - Rusty 🦀
- Cellular Automata - A simple command-line tool that generates gif images and animations from elementary cellular automata [Website @]
- Credit Card Validator - A Rusty Credit Card Validator 💳
- Hex Bot - Solving using RL (JK)
- Zemeroth - 😠⚔️😈 A minimalistic 2D turn-based tactical game in Rust [Website @]
- Zero Knowledge Proof - ZKP theoretically in Rust (interactive)
- Blog - My personal blog 📰 [Website @]
- Jekyll Klise - 🏖️ Klisé is a minimalist Jekyll theme for running a personal site or blog, light & dark mode support. ( [Website @]
- Socks And Found - For Global Game Jam 2021 🎮 [Website @]
- Git Initer - A Shell script that git inits, adds, commits when run
- Mac Dotfiles - My dotfiles for mac
- Bottom Penguin Inheritance - A Solidity contract for bottom penguin coin inheritance 🔗
- Time To Get Swifty - Learning SwiftUI
- Cmput 174 Review - Review of CMPUT 174 at U of A 🏫
- Course Requirements - Course requirements for U of A specialization 📝. Fillable form however no preview on GitHub
- Geometry Notes - Notes from MATH 241 Deprecated since I dropped the course 😳
- Latex Slideshow Template - A LaTeX slideshow template with lower bloat based on OsloMet
- Old Resume Template - Old LaTeX resume template 📝. See new resume template below [Website @]
- Resume Template - A LaTeX resume template 📝
- Calgary Heist - Create your flashcards and race your friends in getting the right answer! [Website @]
- Chatbots Testing Chatbots - Using chatbots to test chatbots
- Climate Change Visualization - This website allows you to explore the effects of climate change around Canada in 3D! 🌎 (for Hack the 6ix) [Website @]
- Coupon Jam - 🎟️ Coupon is a mobile first app that allows students to find coupons for their favorite stores [Website @]
- Lit Website - My lit portfolio website 🔥(Deprecated) [Website @]
- Litter Website - A more lit version of my lit website 🔥 [Website @]
- Lua Runner - A NPM package to run Lua 🌠 with over 2.5k Downloads! [Website @]
- Overleaf Lite - A light weight version of overleaf made with AngularJS 📑 [Website @]
- Positron Website - For HackED 2024 (also see the extension at [Website @]
- Primes - A prime detector is TypeScript
- Shorter - A URL shortener 🩳 [Website @]
- Synapse - Synapse is a tool that generates interactive graphs of course prerequisites and corequisites using data extracted from the UAlberta course catalogue. [Website @]
- T3 Boilerplate App - Quickest way to start a new web app with full stack typesafety [Website @]
- Typescript Template - A simple TypeScript template, nothing more, nothing less 📝
- Uwulang Website - The website for UwULang [Website @]
- Weekly - The weekly coding or marketing status (based on but opposite to [Website @]
- Awesome Github Profile Readme - 😎 A curated list of awesome Github Profile READMEs 📝 [Website @]
- Latex Katex Converter - LaTeX to KaTeX convertor! Sequel to Latex Moodle Converter but with more stuff 🔃 [Website @]