are no longer required. All configuration goes to.env.dev
For instance, the following environment variables are required:ENV=dev MONGO_CONF_STR= AZ_BLOB_STR=
For the frontend:
Make sure you have the
file infrontend-x
Before you start, please have your .env.dev
file ready with the required environment variables.
Start mongo container
docker compose -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/docker-compose-dev.yml --project-directory . up mongo --build
Start Central:
pip install -q backend/central_dev/. && flask --app 'backend/central:create_app("dev")' run -p 5006
Start Azure blob service
flask --app backend/db_service/azure_blob run -p 5009
Start ResNet50:
flask --app backend/model_service/resnet50 run -p 5001
Start Grad-CAM XAI:
flask --app 'backend/xai_service/pytorch_cam:create_app(cam_method="grad-cam")' run -p 5003
Start Eval Service:
flask --app backend/evaluation_service run -p 5004
Start Frontend:
docker compose -f frontend-x/docker-compose.yml --project-directory . -p frontend up fex --build
Check this link for API and use case:
- activate the central;
- register db, xai, model, evaluation service;
- create xai tasksheet, available config for demo:
{ "method_name": "grad-cam", "data_set_name": "imagenet1000", "data_set_group_name": "g0", "model_name": "resnet50", "executor_config": { "use_pytorch_multiprocess": true } }
- run the task;
- check the result;
Before you start, make sure (1) the .env.dev
is ready and (2) you are in the location of the project root.
docker compose -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/docker-compose-dev.yml --project-directory . up
If you want to push your changes to the docker image, use
docker compose -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/docker-compose-dev.yml --project-directory . up --build
Please use http://host.docker.internal` to replace all localhost
for your service registration and demonstration. For instance:
If you want to build a single service:
docker build . -f ./backend/central/Dockerfile -t central