ZyAFS-OSX is an advanced forensic shredder designed for MacOS, offering a secure and permanent method to delete sensitive files and directories from your system. The program implements various data shredding algorithms, ensuring that data is effectively overwritten and made unrecoverable.
- Secure File Shredding: ZyAFS-OSX provides a reliable way to securely shred individual files, ensuring that the data in the file is overwritten multiple times, making it nearly impossible to recover the original information.
- Directory Shredding: In addition to shredding individual files, ZyAFS-OSX supports shredding entire directories, making it convenient to securely delete a collection of files and folders.
- Strong Cryptographic Algorithms: The program employs strong cryptographic algorithms to overwrite data, guaranteeing the highest level of data security.
- Optimized for SSDs: ZyAFS-OSX supports the TRIM command, which enhances performance and ensures secure data deletion on Solid State Drives (SSDs).
To use ZyAFS-OSX, you must have the OpenSSL library installed on your system. If you don't have it installed, follow these steps to install it:
1. Open Terminal
2. Install Homebrew (if not installed):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
3. Install OpenSSL using Homebrew:
brew install openssl
After installing the OpenSSL library, compile the program using the following command:
gcc -o shredder shredder.c -lcrypto
Once the compilation is successful, you can use the program to securely shred files and directories. The program accepts two command-line arguments:
filename/directory: The path to the file or directory you want to shred.
algorithm: The algorithm to use for shredding. Supported algorithms are nullbytes, randomdata, dod5220, gutmann, and polymorphic.
Example usage:
./shredder file.txt polymorphic
./shredder folder_to_shred gutmann
ZyAFS-OSX supports the following shredding algorithms:
- Null Bytes: Overwrites the file with null bytes, effectively making it unrecoverable.
- Random Data: Fills the file with random data, ensuring data security.
- DoD 5220.22-M: Uses the US Department of Defense 3-pass standard for data sanitization, providing a high level of data security.
- Gutmann (35-pass): Utilizes Gutmann's 35-pass algorithm for extreme data overwrite, providing an extremely high level of data security.
- Polymorphic 12-pass: Implements a polymorphic algorithm with a strong cryptographic stream cipher and dynamic initialization vectors (IVs) for enhanced data security.
Note: Before using ZyAFS-OSX, ensure you have the necessary permissions to shred the specified files and directories, as shredding is a permanent action and data cannot be recovered once overwritten.