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This script will runs basics volatility commands.

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Auto_vol - Automated basics volatility tasks


./auto_vol [-h] [-d <dump_name>] [-f <results_folder>] [-p <vol_plugin_path>] [-a <volume_path>] -- Script that performs basic volatility command and stores them into a directory

	-h	Show this help
	-d 	Name of the memory dump to analyze
	-f	Results folder name
	-p  Volatility plugins path
	-a 	Volume path (if a volume has to be mount)

Examples : 

./auto_vol -d dump -f truecrypt_encrypted
./auto_vol -d memory.raw -f bitlocker_encrypted -p /home/maki/zTools/plug_vol -a image.dd 
./auto_vol -d memory.raw -f luks_encrypted -p /home/maki/zTools/plug_vol/ -a forensic.img"

This script will create an output folder and store every result. It can also detect if it's a Windows or Linux dump.


This script will need :



<-f argument>
├── audit.txt
├── bitlocker_infos.txt
├── bitlock_tmp
│   ├── flag.jpg
│   ├── $RECYCLE.BIN
│   │   └── S-1-5-21-3927909812-3916504943-3837934204-1000
│   │       └── desktop.ini
│   └── System Volume Information
│       ├── FVE2.{24e6f0ae-6a00-4f73-984b-75ce9942852d}
│       ├── FVE2.{e40ad34d-dae9-4bc7-95bd-b16218c10f72}.1
│       ├── FVE2.{e40ad34d-dae9-4bc7-95bd-b16218c10f72}.2
│       ├── FVE2.{e40ad34d-dae9-4bc7-95bd-b16218c10f72}.3
│       └── tracking.log
└── cmd_windows
    ├── clipboard
    ├── cmdscan
    ├── consoles
    ├── filescan
    ├── iehistory
    ├── netscan
    ├── pstree
    └── psxview

Bitlocker example


  • Find windows profiles
  • Find computer name
  • Find user hash and try to crack it with online database (hash.txt)
  • cmdscan
  • consoles
  • pstree
  • psxview
  • clipboard
  • screenshot
  • filescan
  • iehistory
  • netscan
  • Bitlocker detection and encrypted volume mounting
  • Truecrypt detection and key recovery

Hash cracking

I use the hashdump plugin of volatility, here is the standard output :

Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6

We just need usernames and hash to crack.

Username extraction

volatility -f <memdump_path> --profile=<profile> hashdump 2> /dev/null | cut -f1 -d":"
  • 2> /dev/null : Redirect the volatility stderr to /dev/null (just te delete the "Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6" on each volatility execution).
  • cut -f1 -d":" : Remove everything after the first semicolon.

Hashs extraction

volatility -f <memdump_path> --profile=<profile> hashdump 2> /dev/null | sed 's/://g' | grep -o '.\{32\}$'
  • 2> /dev/null : Redirect the volatility stderr to /dev/null (just te delete the "Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6" on each volatility execution).
  • sed 's/://g' : Remove semicolon.
  • grep -o '.{32}$' : Keep only last 32 chars. LM hash to crack is always 32 chars.

Hash "cracking"

curl --data "hash=${plop}&decrypt=Décrypter" -s | sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' | grep <hash_extracted> | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/.\{6\}$//g'

Line 72 - Windows function

  • curl command : I let you check the man for more informations.
  • sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' : The script remove all html tags.
  • grep <hash_extracted> : The script grep the line with the hash and the crack.
  • awk '{print $3}' : Keep only the third column, it contains the hash cracked.
  • sed 's/.{6}$//g' : Remove last 8 chars, add the word "Trouvé" when a hash is find in the database.

Then we just print the username with the associate password.


For this feature, I just used the truecrypt plugins suite :

  • truecryptsummary
  • truecryptpassphrase

To detect if there is a Truecrypt container open during the dump, the script just grep the all_process.txt file with "Truecrypt" to find the process.

if [[ $(cat ${base}/all_process.txt | grep -i "truecrypt") ]]; then

Line 147 - TruecryptDetection function.


This script follows those steps :

  • Is bitlocker process present ?
  • Find keys (FVEK & TWEAK)
  • Parse keys
  • Auto mount (if disc dump is available)

Is bitlocker process present ?

Such as truecrypt, the script will just grep all_process.txt. Bitlocker process (fvenotify) is hidden, this is the main difference for detecting Truecrypt or Bitlocker. This is why I do a pstree and a psxview, I let you check the command reference of Volatility for more informations.

if [[ $(cat ${base}/all_process.txt | grep -i "fvenotify") ]]; then

Line 128 - BitlockerDetection function

Find keys and parse them

To find keys, I'm simply use the bitlocker plugin (link above in Prerequisite section).

The standard output of this plugin is :

Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6

Address : 0xfa80018be720
Cipher  : AES-128
FVEK    : e7e576581fe26aa7c71a7e711c778da2
TWEAK   : b72f4e075edb7e734dfb08638cf29652

But I need this output to mount the encrypted volume :


I made a little one liner in bash to do the job :

volatility --plugin=<plugin_path> -f <mem_dump_path> --profile=<profile> bitlocker 2> /dev/null | head -n-1  | tail -n 2 | awk '{print $3}' | tr '\n' ':' | sed 's/.$//g'

Line 135 - BitlockerDetection function

  • 2> /dev/null : To hide the stderr of volatility (to remove the Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6 on top of each volatility output).
  • head -n-1 : Remove the last empty line.
  • tail -n 2 : Remove first three lines (empty one, Address and Cipher).
  • awk '{print $3}' : Keep only FVEK and TWEAK values.
  • tr '\n' ':' : Put FVEK and TWEAK on the same line and seperate with semicolon.
  • sed 's/.$//g' : Remove last ':'.

Auto mount

To mount bitlocker (BDE) volume, Linux users, you have to install libbde, link above in Prerequisite section.

/!\ Arch Linux users, use the libbde-git ! /!\

$ yaourt -S libbde-git

The bdemount binary works well with this syntax :

# bdemount -X allow_root -k <FVEK:TWEAK> -o <disc_offset> <bde_volume> <mounting_point> && chown ${USER}:${USER} -R <mounting_point> && chmod 655 -R <mouting_point>
  • -X allow_root : In the mounting point we will have the bde volume decrypted, but we have to mount with "mount" command as a standard filesystem and we need fdisk -l for the offset, so this script needs to be start with root permissions.
  • -k FVEK:TWEAK : You can understand why we parsed keys before ;)
  • chown and chmod : To allow you current user to deal with mounting folder.

For the offset, we need to use fdisk -l command on our encrypt file. Below the standard output :

Disque <encrypted_volume_path> : 75 MiB, 78643200 octets, 153600 secteurs
Unités : secteur de 1 × 512 = 512 octets
Taille de secteur (logique / physique) : 512 octets / 512 octets
taille d'E/S (minimale / optimale) : 512 octets / 512 octets
Type d'étiquette de disque : dos
Identifiant de disque : 0x0a152bd9

Périphérique                                      Amorçage Début    Fin Secteurs Taille Id Type
<encrypted_volume_path>1            128 147583   147456    72M  7 HPFS/NTFS/ex

We just need to do this operation : <volume_start>*<sector_size>

Bash parsing :

a1=$(fdisk -l "$2" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}')
a2=$(fdisk -l "$2" | sed '1d' | head -n 1 | awk '{print $6}')

BitlockerDetection function

Now we have everything to mount decrypt the volume. Finally the decrypted volume is recognized as a regular filesystem (file command), so we just have to mount it.

mount -o loop,ro <path_to_decypted_volume> <folder_mount>

The script executes the tree command when the final fs is mounted (see the pictures above).



Auto_vol will check for dependancies at boot :

LinuxProfileGenerator script [-h] <kernel_version>
This script must be run as root user !

	-h 	Help page

Examples : 

./ 4.4.0-93-lowlatency

This script will check is the current installed kernel is the same as expected for the volatility profile. If the wanted profile already exist in your volatility/plugins/overlays/linux path, then auto_vol will use the existing profile instead of create one.

If kernel are different

The script install the wanted kernel (ex : 4.4.0-93-lowlatency) and remove the old one. Auto_vol main script will just call this script twice (before and after kernel modification).

vagrant ssh -c "chmod +x ~/ && sudo ~/ ${kernel_version}"
echo "[*] Kernel updated."
sleep 25
vagrant ssh -c "sudo ~/ ${kernel_version}"
printf "[+] Profil ${GREEN}created${NC}.\n"

Line 176 - 180 ; Auto_vol script

If kernel are same

This script will go at this path : /usr/src/volatility-tools/linux to generate profile.

On old Ubuntu version I noticed that the module.c is outdated, then I remove it and download the new one :

rm module.c

Line 58 / 60 - Generator function

Then the script follows the volatility profile creation procedure :


  • linux_pslist
  • linux_psaux
  • linux_pstree
  • linux_psxview
  • linux_lsof
  • linux_bash
  • linux_lsmod
  • linux_check_tty
  • linux_arp
  • linux_ifconfig
  • linux_cpuinfo
  • linux_dmesg
  • linux_mount

LUKS automount

Cipher used has to be AES-128 or AES-256, because I'm using aeskeyfind.

If not Ubuntu

If the memory dump is not an Ubuntu memory dump, but if you have a disc dump ciphered, you don't need to create a volatility profile. Auti_vol will automount the disc dump and display hint to create the right profile as shown below :


This script will runs basics volatility commands.






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  • Shell 97.0%
  • Python 3.0%