Xedroid 5 views are mine added on nov 26 2023 5:26pm 20 followers
Click ' hotkey after copy
https://github.com/wisehackermonkey/ultimate-tts-reader https://github.com/alystair/my-productivity-stack/blob/master/Launch%20Calculator.ahk https://github.com/sayyid5416/Links-Extractor https://github.com/clechasseur/pathcopycopy Pytranscriber Mpv mpvnet-player/mpv.net#488 Wizmouse
autostart ahk https://github.com/AutoHotkey/Ahk2Exe add shortcut to startup folder FileCreateShortcut, %A_ScriptFullPath%, %A_Startup%\shortcutname.lnk
+LButton:: ; Shift + LButton hotkey.
MouseGetPos,,, win ; Get window under mouse.
; If this window is the taskbar, mode:="", otherwise mode:="{Blind}".
mode := WinExist("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ahk_id " win) ? "" : "{Blind}"
Send %mode%{LButton Down} ; Click down, filtering out Shift if mode="".
KeyWait LButton ; Wait for button to be physically released.
Send %mode%{LButton Up} ; Click up.
Frederik LongReplied on January 30, 2021 How can I move folders from an old computer to a new computer so that I retain the same "Date Modified"?
Try this:
Create a desktop shortcut for cmd.exe.
Double-click this shortcut. You will get a black frame. Type this command and press Enter: robocopy "H:\FolderName" "C:\Users\David\FolderName" /e /w:1 /r:1
robocopy <"source"> <"destination"> /e /w:1 /r:1 https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/retaining-the-original-date-modified-of-folders/0c0982f9-03a5-47f6-ae32-f2691d647889