This API created by Zamion101 for public use because of worst documentation on
import GGAPI
api = GGAPI.GGPAI('username','password','api_key','secret_key')
>username: Developer username
>password: Developer password (not GittiGidiyor account password!)
-> if you don't have Developer account contact with ****
>api_key: API key from your GittiGidiyor application (you can find or create in
>secret_key: You can find or create as same as api_key
cargoService = api.getCargoService()
productService = api.getProductService()
saleService = api.getSaleService()
storeService = api.getStoreService()
userMessageService = api.getUserMessageService()
You can find all available methods with
print(dir(<serviceObject (like cargoService)>))
['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__',
'__le__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__',
'__weakref__', 'auth', 'base_url', 'getCargoInformation', 'requestURL', 'request_type', 'sendCargoInformation', 'session', 'signature', 'timestamp', 'type']
(this return is beautified not real result is like that)
"ackCode": "success",
"responseTime": "2019-05-22 23:18:39",
"timeElapsed": "11 ms",
"count": "1",
"itemList": {
"item": {
"productId": "445329567",
"title": "App Test",
"productLink": "",
"format": "S",
"buyNowPrice": "0.1",
"highPrice": "0.0",
"productCount": "9999",
"soldProductCount": "0",
"remainingTime": "55 gün : 18 s : 53 dk",
"bidCount": "0",
"watcherNumber": "0",
"thumbImageLink": ""
graph LR
A --> B(Cargo Service)
A --> C(Product Service)
A --> D(Sale Service)
A --> E(Store Service)
A --> F(User Message Service)
B --> G{Json Request Return}
C --> G{Json Request Return}
D --> G{Json Request Return}
E --> G{Json Request Return}
F --> G{Json Request Return}