This is an implementation of the Simple and Modular Architecture for CSS conventions and a SASS Architecture for my own Curriculum.
This is mostly inspired by
So tired of having Ctrl+F adventures in my css' hundreds of lines ...
Sass comes with a lot of features allowing SMACSS to be even more powerful
And also because it's cool
- Copy this repo :
git clone
- Install the dependencies :
npm install
- Launch the server :
grunt serve
- Edit files : reload and recompilation are automatic
- Watchers on scss, view folder, and server file
- Create build dist by running :
grunt build
Demo here
Grab the _blank folder
Copy it into your own project
Add this line into your html :
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="link/to/css/main.css">
Head to the core of the project : /public/styles/scss
|-- scss
|-- partials
| |-- layout
| | |-- _layout.scss
| |-- modules
| | |-- _modules.scss
| |-- themes
| |-- _base.scss
| |-- _reset.scss
| |-- _state.scss
| |-- _typo.scss
|-- vars
| |-- _all.scss
| |-- ...
|-- _shame.scss
|-- main.scss
In this folder, we say 'rule = var'
## layoutAll layouts are centralized by _layouts.scss
Layouts are major sections of the page (header, footer, sidebar)
Id's use is tolerable here.
## modulesAll modules are centralized by _modules.scss
Modules are autonomous sections in a page.
Modules have to be modular and reusable :
header .block-list { ... } Bad idea =(
.block-list-fit { ... } Good idea =)
Rules for same modules have to share same base name :
.btn {}
.btn-search {}
.btn-small {}
.btn-large {}
Redefines base, layout, module and state rules to switch between themes
This way :
//Default rules
body {
font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
header {
background-color: #33F;
color: #A66105;
.block-list > li{
border: 0 dashed #00D;
//Overwritten rules
.theme-ocean {
font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif;
.theme-ocean header {
background-color: #33F;
color: #A66105;
.theme-ocean .block-list > li{
border: 0 dashed #00D;
This way, you can import all themes at the same time.
You just have to add the theme root class to apply it dynamically, using javascript for example.
## baseBase file imports vars and defines rules for html tags
## resetReset is a way of cleaning the styling differences between browsers in order to have a consistent baseline
Feel free to choose your own
## stateThis file defines the states of elements (like inputs, divs)
This is the only place where !important
is good to use
It defines a final state of an element, therefore, there should not be two states for an element
States can be :
- class names
- pseudo-class
- media queries
Primarily used by JavaScript
Class names have to say what is the intention of the rule :
.is-loading {}
.is-collapsed {}
When the state relates to a module
.is-btn-active {}
.is-btn-disabled {}
This is the only place where we should define typos
Be careful, the given path must be relative to main.scss
## varsVars are centralized by _all.scss
This is also the place for mixins
## shameIn the rush of development project we should allow some shameful non SMASASS code
It has to be documented !!
- What does it refer ?
- Why (so much hate) ?
- How does it work ?
- How would it be cleanable later ?
Of course this needs to be cleaned regularly
## mainThe main file imports everything in this order :
- Third-party styles
- Reset
- Base
- Layouts
- Modules
- States
- Themes
- Shame
This is the only file that compass compiles.