This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of our CoRP. [arXiv]
Co-salient object detection (Co-SOD) aims at discovering the common objects in a group of relevant images. Mining a co-representation is essential for locating co-salient objects. Unfortunately, the current Co-SOD method does not pay enough attention that the information not related to the co-salient object is included in the co-representation. Such irrelevant information in the co-representation interferes with its locating of co-salient objects. In this paper, we propose a Co-Representation Purification (CoRP) method aiming at searching noise-free co-representation. We search a few pixel-wise embeddings probably belonging to co-salient regions. These embeddings constitute our co-representation and guide our prediction. For obtaining purer co-representation, we use the prediction to iteratively reduce irrelevant embeddings in our co-representation. Experiments on three datasets demonstrate that our CoRP achieves state-of-the-art performances on the benchmark datasets. Our source code is available at
The predicted results of our model trained by COCO9k only is available at google-drive | BaiduYun (fetch code: 7lmh)
- quantitative results
- qualitative results
Python==3.8.5 opencv-python== torch==1.9.0
Datasets preparation
Download all the train/test datasets from my google-drive and google-drive, or BaiduYun (fetch code: s5m4). The file directory structure is as follows:
+-- CoRP | +-- Dataset | +-- COCO9213 (Training Dataset for co-saliency branch) | +-- Jigsaw_DUTS (Training Dataset for co-saliency branch) | +-- DUTS-TR (Training Dataset for saliency head) | +-- COCOSAL (Training Dataset for saliency head) | +-- CoSal2015 (Testing Dataset) | +-- CoCA (Testing Dataset) | +-- CoSOD3k (Testing Dataset) | +-- ckpt (The root for saving your checkpoint) | ...
Test and evalutation
Download the ckeckpoints of our model from google-drive | BaiduYun (fetch code: utef). Place the ckpt folder in the main directory. Here is a command example of testing our model (trained by COCO9k with vgg16 backbone).
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --backbone vgg16 --ckpt_path './ckpt/vgg16_COCO9k/checkpoint.pth' --pred_root './Predictions/pred_vgg_coco/pred'
Run the following command to evaluate your prediction results,the metrics include max F-measure, S-measure, and MAE.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --pred_root './Predictions/pred_vgg_coco/pred'
For more metrics, CoSOD evaluation toolbox eval-co-sod is strongly recommended.
Train your own model
Our CoRP can be trained with various backbones and training datasets.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python --backbone <vgg16 or resnet50> --cosal_set <COCO9k or DUTS> --sal_set <COCO9k or DUTS> --ckpt_root <Path for saving your checkpoint>
author={Zhu, Ziyue and Zhang, Zhao and Lin, Zheng and Sun, Xing and Cheng, Ming-Ming},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence},
title={Co-Salient Object Detection with Co-Representation Purification},
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