This project was requested by Master Micro as a software challange for mid-year internship.
- Read a topology from a given JSON file and store it in the memory.
- Write a given topology from the memory to a JSON file.
- Query about which topologies are currently in the memory.
- Delete a given topology from memory.
- Query about which devices are in a given topology.
- Query about which devices are connected to a given netlist node in a given topology.
nlohmann json library proved its capabilities to ease the process of parsing JSON files.
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<electronic>> DeviceList;
typedef struct topology_s topology_s;
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<topology_s>> TopologyList;
int readJSON(TopologyList& list, const std::string& FileName);
std::vector<std::string> queryTopologies(TopologyList& list);
int writeJSON(std::shared_ptr<topology_s> topology, const std::string& FileName);
int deleteTopology(TopologyList& list, const std::string& TopologyID);
DeviceList queryDevices(TopologyList& list, const std::string& TopologyID);
DeviceList queryDevicesWithNetlistNode(TopologyList& list, const std::string& TopologyID, const std::string& NetlistNodeID);
this function reads topology from "FileName" and stores it in the "list"
FileName is assumed to be a valid JSON file
list: TopologyList created by the user FileName: the name of the json file to read from
Returns 1 if success and 0 if there's a problem:
- File could not be opened.
int readJSON(TopologyList& list, const std::string& FileName);
This function return a list of strings of topologies IDs
list: list TopologyList created by the user
Returns a vector of strings to topologies IDs.
std::vector<std::string> queryTopologies(TopologyList& list);
This function writes the given "topology" into the "FileName" in JSON structured-style
FileName is assumed to be a valid JSON file
list: list TopologyList created by the user
FileName: the name of the json file to write to
Returns 1 if success and 0 if there's a problem:
- File could not be opened.
- The topology id is NULL
int writeJSON(std::shared_ptr<topology_s> topology, const std::string& FileName);
This function deletes a Topology from the given "list" identified by the "TopologyID"
list: list TopologyList created by the user
TopologyID: The ID of the topology wanted to be deleted
Returns 1 if topology is found and deleted, and 0 if there's a problem:
- Topology could not be found
int deleteTopology(TopologyList& list, const std::string& TopologyID);
This function iterates over the TopologyList and returns a DeviceList for a Topology with id "TopologyID"
list: TopologyList created by the user
TopologyID: The ID of the topology wanted to be returned
- Returns a DeviceList for the Topology with ID "TopologyID"
- Returns empty DeviceList if "TopologyID" not found
DeviceList queryDevices(TopologyList& list, const std::string& TopologyID);
This function iterates over the Topology's components with ID "TopologyID" and returns a DeviceList that contains all components that are connected to the netlist node.
list: TopologyList created by the user
TopologyID: The ID of the topology wanted to be checked
NetlistNodeID: the netlist node id, that we are checking connectivity to it.
Returns a DeviceList for components that are connected to the "NetlistNodeID"
- Returns empty DeviceList if "TopologyID" not found
- Returns empty DeviceList if no deviced connected to the netlist node
DeviceList queryDevicesWithNetlistNode(TopologyList& list, const std::string& TopologyID, const std::string& NetlistNodeID);
class electronic
std::string type, id, valname;
struct valstruct { float xdefault, min, max; }; valstruct value;
std::map<std::string, std::string> netlist;
void set_type(const std::string& str);
void set_id(const std::string& str);
void set_valname(const std::string& str);
void set_val_default(float val);
void set_val_min(float val);
void set_val_max(float val);
void netlist_insert(const std::string& key, const std::string& str);
void netlist_setval(const std::string& key, const std::string& val);
std::string get_type(void);
std::string get_id(void);
std::string get_valname(void);
float get_val_default(void);
float get_val_min(void);
float get_val_max(void);
std::string netlist_getval(const std::string&);
const std::map<std::string, std::string>* netlist_getall(void);
class resistor : public electronic
explicit resistor(const std::string& id);
class nmos : public electronic
explicit nmos(const std::string& id);
Note: All private variables refer to the component description in the JSON file
id: The component id.
type: The component type.
valname: Refers to the properties object name such as "resistance" and "m(1)".
valstruct: It's a structure refers to the properties object elements, it's assumed that all components have default, min and max values.
netlist: Refers to the component netlist and due to the difference of components terminals, this was declared as a map to accept diverse names.
Public variables are simply getters and setters of previousely mentioned variables.
- This class is inherited from electronic class and has only one public function which is the class constructor.
- The class constructor that takes id as input, initializes the common values between all resistor components like type = "resistor", valname = "Resistance" and netlist terminals "t1" and "t2".
- This class is inherited from electronic class and has only one public function which is the class constructor.
- The class constructor that takes id as input, initializes the common values between all nmos components like type = "nmos", valname = "m(1)" and netlist terminals "drain", "gate" and "source".