This exercise is about express JS which is a web application framwork for node.js.
- npm init -y This creates a basic package.json containing the dependencies and devDependencies.
- npm install express --save
- View: home.pug in the views folder which appear at root url localhost:3000/
- Controller: server.js has functions to get the requested data, create an HTML page displaying the data, and return it to the user to view in the browse
- movies.csv: a csv file that contain the following movie details: Film, Genre, Lead Studio, Audience score, Profitability, Rotten Tomatoes, Worldwide Gross, Year
- Clone this repo
npm i
Nodemon has been used to detect changes in files and restart the application automatically without having to restart the server again.
npm run devStart
: to restart server
Load http://localhost:3000/ to see the output
- Display content of movies.csv into a table on home.pug.
- Use a library like bootstrap to style the table.
- The table should include pagination and display only 25 records per page.
- Moving to the next page should fetch the next 25 records from the file. So a request should fetch a maximum 25 records.
- Moving to the previous page should not make another request from the server instead get the record from the local browser storage.
- Modify/Update a line in the table should send a request to the server to update the line. You may either update the original csv file or write a new file with the updated line.