- NeoVim완전 삭제 하기(잘못 설치했을때 완전히 neovim지우기)
- 요즘-쓰는-lspinlayhint-color-setting & clangd inlayhint 활성화하기on
- 라인-fold-unfold-접기--닫기--전체-열기-전체-닫기link
- rustsnippet기본-위치
- rust-snippets-정리중
- 플러그인매니저 packer설치하기PackerInstall설치 _ 삭제는 PackerClean_업데이트는PackerSync
- hack-nerd-mono-font-설치
- Tabby AI설치하기_Self-hosted AI coding assistant
- 네오빔-플러그인-정리neovim-plugins
- 내가 세팅한 키세팅keymap
- 나만의 테마로 변경하기_/lua/theme.lua
- 틀린 글짜 자동으로 찾기 영문 오타 체크Eng.(spell-check)
- LSP Settings(언어별 자동완성나오게 하기)
- 내 LunarVim_Setting루나빔 Setting
- 해결해야할것_정리_해결한거랑-해결-못한거
- Deprecated 버젼업되면 해결해야함
- source-외국분-git에서-대부분-가져옴
- 다른 사람이 만든 멋진 neovim세팅
rust_dev_neovide_LunarVimSetting(My Setting)_GY_Version|🔝|
- 루나빔 세팅 최종(lvim)
- https://github.com/YoungHaKim7/lvim_Rust_AI_Setting
- LunarVim 세팅 강의(완전 처음부터)002개고생하면서 배우는 Rust_Basic(LunarVim, Helix, VSCode Zellij)
Neovide Setting(러스트로 만든거 겁나게 빠르다.)|🔝|
-- Hack Nerd Font 세팅에 글씨 크기 25
:set guifont=Hack\ Nerd\ Font:h25
-- 커서 애니매이션 없애는거 0 간단하네 ㅋ. 꼴도 보기도 싫다.
let g:neovide_cursor_animation_length = 0
-- scroll에 왜 애니매이션 넣는거야 느리게 ...
let g:neovide_scroll_animation_length = 0
-- 타이핑 치면 마우스 알아서 숨겨줌 굿..
vim.g.neovide_hide_mouse_when_typing = true
-- 요즘 쓰는 색 241103(InlayHint색깔 세팅)
:hi LspInlayHint guifg=#35638f guibg=#420517
-- Remember Previous Window Size
-- VimScript:
let g:neovide_remember_window_size = v:true
nv . --size 2930x1300
- 실행할때 창크기 지정됨 출처 : neovide/neovide#1636
- 출처2 neovide/neovide#1706
누르기 귀찮아서 애니매이션 false세팅 settings.lua에 넣어줌
-- neovide setting
vim.g.neovide_scroll_animation_length = 0
vim.g.neovide_cursor_animation_length = 0
vim.g.neovide_remember_window_size = true
vim.o.guifont = "Hack Nerd Font:h30"
ERROR [neovide::settings::config] Could not watch config file, chances are it just doesn't exist: No such file or directory (os error 2) about ["/home/gy/.config/neovide"]
NeoVim완전 삭제 하기(잘못 설치했을때 완전히 neovim지우기)|🔝|
// 처음설치로 만들기 & 세팅하다가 작살나면 캐쉬삭제 해주기
// 백업
mkdir ~/backup_nvim
cp -r ~/.config/nvim ~/backup_nvim
cp -r ~/.local/share/nvim ~/backup_nvim
cp -r ~/.cache/nvim ~/backup_nvim
// 캐쉬삭제
rm -rf ~/.config/nvim
rm -rf ~/.local/share/nvim
rm -rf ~/.cache/nvim
Dash는 맥용은 유료앱(1년 정기 구독으로 유료임 ㅠㅠ)|🔝|
무료는 DevDocs 웹용이 있음|🔝|
Zeal is an offline documentation browser for software developers.
Windows NeoVim 설치는 이게 좋다.|🔝|
RustSnippet기본 위치|🔝|
~/.vsnip at 19:17:08
❯ tree
├── global.json
└── rust.json
0 directories, 2 files
Rust Snippets 정리중|🔝|
Rust Snippets.json
여기에 정리 중 -
Rust Code Snippets관련 자료(외국사람이 Rust Snippets 10년전 자료라 수정해서 써야함)
- Rust고수의 snippets정리
요즘 쓰는 LspInlayHint Color Setting|🔝|
- inlayhint 색깔 hex color (LunarVim Inlayhint Color Settings)
// 요즘 쓰는 색 240106
:hi LspInlayHint guifg=#35638f guibg=#420517
:hi Comment guifg=#35638f guibg=#420517
// 배경은 어두운 빨간색 / 글씨는 약간 밝은 색
:hi Comment guifg=#8aaecf guibg=#4e1a1a
Clangd_extension 추가 기능&Clangd_InlayHint 활성화|🔝|
- clangd inlayhintsetting로드 하면 글씨 전에 해줘야함. 자동으로 안되네 ㅠㅠ
:lua require("clangd_extensions.inlay_hints").set_inlay_hints()
neovim 0.10버젼 이상이여야 하나?
to view the ast with the current line as the range
with the cursor at the desired symbol.
with the cursor over the desired type or a symbol of that type.gd
with the cursor over a type in a window to go to its definition.
. Preamble can be large so it is collapsed by default, to expand it use:ClangdMemoryUsage expand_preamble
:ClangdMemoryUsage expand_preamble
Inlay-hints세팅(다른언어들까지 모두Java,Kotlin)|🔝|
NeoVim공식 inlayhint세팅
라인 fold unfold 접기 / 닫기 / 전체 열기/ 전체 닫기|🔝|
접힌거 다 열기Open -
열린거 다 (접기)닫기Close -
지금 줄만 (접기)열기Open -
열린거_(닫기)Close -
zf 명령어는 무엇일까? 기본적으로 z 명령어는 세가지가 있다. 만들기, 열기, 닫기
일단 fold를 한 번 만들어 놓으면 zo, zc로 여닫을 수 있다.
zf "F-old 만들기 (만들면서 자동으로 닫는다)
zo "O-pen fold (열기)
zc "C-lose fold (닫기)
Hack Nerd Mono Font 설치|🔝|
Tabby AI 설치|🔝|
AI Models
Install(Nvidia Docker설치시 사전 설치 필요) https://docs.nvidia.com/datacenter/cloud-native/container-toolkit/latest/install-guide.html
lua packer 세팅 (test 예정)
--- Tabby AI plugin
use {
-- lazy = false,
requires = {
config = function()
vim.g.tabby_agent_start_command = {"npx", "tabby-agent", "--stdio"}
vim.g.tabby_inline_completion_trigger = "auto"
tabby serve --device metal --model TabbyML/StarCoder-3B /opt/homebrew/opt/tabby/bin/tabby serve --device metal --model StarCoder-3B
- service on/off
brew services start tabbyml/tabby/tabby brew services stop tabbyml/tabby/tabby
.\tabby_x86_64-windows-msvc-cuda117.exe serve --model StarCoder-3B --device cuda
- apt install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
# For Ubuntu / Debian
apt-get install protobuf-compiler libopenblas-dev
# cuda 업데이트 3d(Nvidia기준)
sudo apt install nvidia-cuda-toolkit
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/TabbyML/tabby
cd tabby
- Configure the repository:
curl -fsSL https://nvidia.github.io/libnvidia-container/gpgkey |sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg \
&& curl -s -L https://nvidia.github.io/libnvidia-container/stable/deb/nvidia-container-toolkit.list | sed 's#deb https://#deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/nvidia-container-toolkit-keyring.gpg] https://#g' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-container-toolkit.list \
&& sudo apt-get update
- Install the NVIDIA Container Toolkit packages:
sudo apt-get install -y nvidia-container-toolkit
- 3.Configure the container runtime by using the nvidia-ctk command:
sudo nvidia-ctk runtime configure --runtime=docker
- Restart the Docker daemon:
sudo systemctl restart docker
- tabby (Docker Install)
sudo docker run -it --gpus all -p 8080:8080 -v $HOME/.tabby:/data \
tabbyml/tabby \
serve --model TabbyML/StarCoder-3B --device cuda
- token setting
$ ~/.tabby-client
❯ eza --icons -TL2
└── agent
├── config.toml
└── data.json
- config.toml
## Tabby agent configuration file
## Online documentation: https://tabby.tabbyml.com/docs/extensions/configurations
## You can uncomment and edit the values below to change the default settings.
## Configurations in this file have lower priority than the IDE settings.
## Server
## You can set the server endpoint here and an optional authentication token if required.
endpoint = "http://localhost:8080" # http or https URL
token = "Input My token" # if token is set, request header Authorization = "Bearer $token" will be added automatically
## You can add custom request headers.
# [server.requestHeaders]
# Header1 = "Value1" # list your custom headers here
# Header2 = "Value2" # values can be strings, numbers or booleans
## Logs
## You can set the log level here. The log file is located at ~/.tabby-client/agent/logs/.
# [logs]
# level = "silent" # "silent" or "error" or "debug"
## Anonymous usage tracking
## Tabby collects anonymous usage data and sends it to the Tabby team to help improve our products.
## Your code, generated completions, or any sensitive information is never tracked or sent.
## For more details on data collection, see https://tabby.tabbyml.com/docs/extensions/configurations#usage-collection
## Your contribution is greatly appreciated. However, if you prefer not to participate, you can disable anonymous usage tracking here.
# [anonymousUsageTracking]
# disable = false # set to true to disable
크롬이나 파이어폭스 브라우져에서 주소창에 치면 DashBoard나온다.
copilot (disable)하는법|🔝|
NeoVim Default Key는
어떻게 변경하는지 못찾음 그냥C-i
누르는 걸로.. -
**(Install)**Neovim, Linux/macOS:
git clone https://github.com/github/copilot.vim.git \
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap('i', '<C-b>', 'copilot#Accept()', true)
:Copilot disable Globally disable GitHub Copilot inline suggestions.
:Copilot enable Re-enable GitHub Copilot after :Copilot disable.
:Copilot setup Authenticate and enable GitHub Copilot.
:Copilot signout Sign out of GitHub Copilot.
:Copilot status Check if GitHub Copilot is operational for the current
buffer and report on any issues.
:Copilot panel Open a window with up to 10 completions for the
current buffer. Use <CR> to accept a completion.
Maps are also provided for [[ and ]] to jump from
completion to completion. This is the default command
if :Copilot is called without an argument.
:Copilot version Show version information.
:Copilot feedback Open the website for providing GitHub Copilot
feedback. Be sure to include |:Copilot_version|
output when reporting a bug.
네오빔 플러그인 정리(NeoVim Plugins|🔝|
무지게 색 괄호(Rainbow_Parentheses)
~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start # 강제로 설치 git clone https://github.com/HiPhish/rainbow-delimiters.nvim
- 뻗으면 테스트 예정
무지개색 탭 좋네 ㅋ
(오류난거 리스트로 출력 굿)🚦 A pretty diagnostics, references, telescope results, quickfix and location list to help you solve all the trouble your code is causing.
(ctag 같은거)A tree like view for symbols in Neovim using the Language Server Protocol. Supports all your favourite languages.
(터미널창 공중에 띄우기 굿)A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows
:ToggleTerm direction=float
UnicodeTable 추가만 하면 그냥 끝(:UnicodeTable)
-- :UnicodeTable - Print Unicode Table in new window "chrisbra/unicode.vim",
- 혹시 오류 나면 강제로 설치
/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start # 강제로 설치 git clone https://github.com/nvim-neotest/nvim-nio
C언어 자동정렬
sudo apt update
apt search clang-format
- vim에서 사용법(설치후) command창에 입력하면 됨
Theme테마 변경하기|🔝|
- ./lua/theme.lua
-- vim.cmd("colorscheme OceanicNext")
-- vim.cmd("colorscheme gruvbox")
-- vim.cmd("colorscheme dracura")
-- vim.cmd("colorscheme habamax")
vim.cmd("colorscheme tokyonight-night")
- dracula https://github.com/Mofiqul/dracula.nvim
- tokyonight https://github.com/folke/tokyonight.nvim
- oceanic-next https://github.com/roflolilolmao/oceanic-next.nvim
vim.g.mapleader = " "
-- Disable Ctrl +Z
nnoremap("<C-z>", [[<nop>]])
-- Quick Replace of Word
-- nnoremap("S", [[:%s//g<Left><Left>]])
nnoremap("<leader>rnn", [[:%s//gc<Left><Left><Left>]])
nnoremap(",<leader>", [[:set hlsearch!<CR>]])
-- SymbolOutline
nnoremap("<leader>o", ":SymbolsOutline<CR>")
-- TroubleToggle
nnoremap("<leader>t", ":TroubleToggle<CR>")
nnoremap("<leader>e", ":NvimTreeToggle<CR>")
-- buffer bn bn
nnoremap("H", ":bp<CR>")
nnoremap("L", ":bn<CR>")
-- Disable Q
-- nnoremap([[<silent> Q]], [[nop]])
-- (vs, sp 이거 했을때)지금 창을 큰창으로 만들기 only
nnoremap("<leader>bo", ":on<CR>")
-- Better tabbing
vnoremap("<", "<gv")
vnoremap(">", ">gv")
-- Terminal(Toggleterm)
nnoremap("<C-t>t", ":ToggleTerm direction=float<CR>")
nnoremap("<C-t>tv", ":ToggleTerm direction=vertical<CR>")
-- MoveLine Up & Down
vnoremap("J", ":m '>+1<CR>gv=gv")
vnoremap("K", ":m '<-2<CR>gv=gv")
-- Map Ctrl-W to delete the previous word in insert mode.
inoremap("<C-w>", "<C-\\><C-o>dB")
inoremap("jk", "<esc>")
-- Esc and Clear Highligh
nnoremap("<esc>", ":noh<return><esc>")
-- Yank Whole Line(:%y 전체복사 , 전체 지우기 :%d)
nnoremap("Y", "y$<CR>")
-- Buffer
-- Previous
nnoremap([[bp]], [[:bprevious<CR>]])
-- Next
nnoremap([[bn]], [[:bnext<CR>]])
-- List
nnoremap([[bl]], [[:ls<CR>]])
-- Delete
nnoremap([[bd]], [[:bp <BAR> bd #<CR>]])
-- Delete all buffers except Currenly Open
nnoremap([[bq]],[[:w <bar> %bd <bar> e# <bar> bd# <CR>]])
-- TAB in normal mode will move to text buffer
nnoremap("<TAB>", ":bnext<CR>")
-- SHIFT-TAB will go back
nnoremap("<S-TAB>", ":bprevious<CR>")
-- windows split
nnoremap("vsp", ":vsplit<CR>")
nnoremap("sp", ":split<CR>")
-- Resize Panes with + - or with shift + -
nnoremap("__", ":resize -5<CR>")
nnoremap("++", ":resize +5<CR>")
nnoremap("--", ":vertical resize -5<CR>")
nnoremap("==", ":vertical resize +5<CR>")
-- Crates
nnoremap([[<leader>ct]], [[:lua require('crates').toggle()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>cr]], [[:lua require('crates').reload()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>cv]], [[:lua require('crates').show_versions_popup()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>cf]], [[:lua require('crates').show_features_popup()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>cu]], [[:lua require('crates').update_crate()<cr>]])
vnoremap([[<leader>cu]], [[:lua require('crates').update_crates()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>ca]], [[:lua require('crates').update_all_crates()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>cU]], [[:lua require('crates').upgrade_crate()<cr>]])
vnoremap([[<leader>cU]], [[:lua require('crates').upgrade_crates()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>cA]], [[:lua require('crates').upgrade_all_crates()<cr>]])
-- cmp관련
mapping = {
["<C-d>"] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4),
["<C-u>"] = cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4),
["<C-Space>"] = cmp.mapping.complete(),
["<C-e>"] = cmp.mapping.close(),
["<CR>"] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),
["<C-y>"] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),
["<Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), { "i", "s" }),
["<C-n>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), { "i", "s" }),
["<S-Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), { "i", "s" }),
["<C-p>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(), { "i", "s" }),
sources = {
{ name = "nvim_lsp" },
{ name = "vsnip" },
{ name = "buffer" },
{ name = 'path' },
{ name = 'cmdline' }
HopChar KeyMap|🔝|
는 helix키와 똑같음 ㅋ
nnoremap("<backspace>f", [[:HopChar1<CR>]])
nnoremap("gw", [[:HopChar2<CR>]])
nnoremap("<leader>W", [[:HopWord<CR>]])
Telescope KeyMap|🔝|
-- lvim
lvim.keys.normal_mode["<leader><leader>"] = ":Telescope buffers<CR>"
-- nvim setting
nnoremap([[<leader>f]], [[<cmd>Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find<CR>]])
nnoremap([[<leader><leader>]], [[<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers()<cr>]])
nnoremap("<leader>p", [[:lua require("utils/telescope-config").project_files()<CR>]], true)
nnoremap("<leader>a", ":Telescope lsp_code_actions<CR>", true)
nnoremap("<leader>m", ":Telescope marks<CR>", true)
nnoremap("<leader>i", ":Telescope lsp_implementations<CR>", true)
nnoremap([[<leader>eo]], [[<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').oldfiles()<cr>]])
nnoremap([[<leader>S]], [[:Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<CR>]], true)
nnoremap([[<leader>u]], [[:Telescope lsp_references<CR>]], true)
nnoremap([[<leader>s]], [[:Telescope treesitter<CR>]], true)
LSP keymap|🔝|
-- Default LSP Keybindings
nnoremap("ga", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("gd", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("gD", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("gr", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("gi", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("gh", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("gs", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("go", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("g[", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_prev()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("g]", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("<leader>rn", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("<leader>wa", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.add_workspace_folder()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("<leader>wr", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.remove_workspace_folder()<CR>", true)
nnoremap("<leader>wl", "<cmd>lua print(vim.inspect(vim.lsp.buf.list_workspace_folders()))<CR>", true)
-- Quick Way to Trigger Code Action
nnoremap(",,", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>", true)
-- Press Twice to Enter Vim Buffer of the Hover Definition
nnoremap("K", "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()<CR>", true)
-- Trigger Format
Symbol-outline Keymap|🔝|
# 모두 접기 W / 모두 펴기 E
keymaps = { -- These keymaps can be a string or a table for multiple keys
close = {"<Esc>", "q"},
goto_location = "<Cr>",
focus_location = "o",
hover_symbol = "<C-space>",
toggle_preview = "K",
rename_symbol = "r",
code_actions = "a",
fold = "h",
unfold = "l",
fold_all = "W",
unfold_all = "E",
fold_reset = "R",
Tabby Keybinding Accept|🔝|
vim.g.tabby_keybinding_accept = '<C-b>'
Spell Check|🔝|
- spell check에 추가하기
- 경로명 (.config/nvim/spell/en.utf-8.add)
:spell {word}
영단어 txt파일로 제공함(txt & yml)
❯ tree -L 2
├── config.toml
├── init.lua
├── lua
│ ├── autocmd
│ ├── autocmd.lua
│ ├── globals.lua
│ ├── keymaps
│ ├── mappings.lua
│ ├── packages.lua
│ ├── plugins
│ ├── settings.lua
│ ├── theme.lua
│ ├── utils
│ └── vim_g.lua
├── luarc.lua
├── plugin
│ └── packer_compiled.lua
├── readme.md
├── spell
│ ├── en.utf-8.add
│ └── en.utf-8.add.spl
└── stylua.toml
7 directories, 15 files
LSP Setting|🔝|
- rust-analyzer https://rust-analyzer.github.io/
# rustup # rust-analyzer is available in rustup: $ rustup component add rust-analyzer
- rust-analyzer https://rust-analyzer.github.io/
WASM support(Rust)
- install
rustup target add wasm32-wasi
cargo build --target wasm32-wasi wasmer run target/wasm32-wasi/debug/cve-rs.wasm
curl https://get.wasmer.io -sSfL | sh
- Run in CLI
wasmer run cowsay "Hello world"
pdating bash profile /Users/g/.config/fish/config.fish we've added the following to your /Users/g/.config/fish/config.fish If you have a different profile please add the following: - Wasmer export WASMER_DIR="/Users/g/.wasmer" [ -s "$WASMER_DIR/wasmer.sh" ] && source "$WASMER_DIR/wasmer.sh" check: wasmer 4.2.7 installed successfully ✓ wasmer will be available the next time you open the terminal. If you want to have the commands available now please execute: source /Users/g/.wasmer/wasmer.sh
- clangd https://llvm.org/
- Vim _ Assembly Highlight Syntax
:set ft=nasm " assembly highlight syntax
- NeoVim(asm-lsp)
- TSInstall로 Syntax Highlight적용(NeoVim)
:TSInstall asm
- NeoVim에서 assembly LSP 설치하기
- https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/s/XAuQM98VY6
- https://github.com/bergercookie/asm-lsp
- Using cargo
- Install using the cargo package manager, either from crates.io or from github:
- Using cargo
- https://github.com/bergercookie/asm-lsp
- https://www.reddit.com/r/neovim/s/XAuQM98VY6
cargo install asm-lsp
# or to get the latest version from github
cargo install --git https://github.com/bergercookie/asm-lsp
python LSP 설치
sudo apt-get install python3-pylsp
- macOS
brew install python-lsp-server
- Python Lint
brew install ruff
- Rust로 만든 LSP Server(pylyzer)
Helix&NeoVim Java LSP세팅
Helix( Java LSP Install ) jdtls설치하기 그냥 github 땡기고 install하면 설치 된다. 최고..|🔝|
git clone https://github.com/eruizc-dev/jdtls-launcher.git
Cloning into 'jdtls-launcher'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 241, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (85/85), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done.
remote: Total 241 (delta 43), reused 50 (delta 28), pack-reused 156
Receiving objects: 100% (241/241), 48.74 KiB | 9.75 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (125/125), done.
$ cd jdtls-launcher
$ ls
CONTRIBUTING.md install.sh jdtls-launcher.sh LICENSE README.md
$ ./install.sh
-#O=# # #
INFO: Creating symlink at /home/gy/.local/bin/jdtls
Installing jdtls...
jdt-language-server-1.28.0-202309221544 is going to be installed
########################################################################################################################### 100.0%########################################################################################################################### 100.0%
Installing lombok...
########################################################################################################################### 100.0%
Lombok installation succesfull
JDTLS installation succesfull
INFO: Installation successful
INFO: Ensure /home/gy/.local/bin is in path
(자바Java LSP세팅)Configure Neovim for Java Development | Andrew Courter
(지그로 만들거 좋다.)Language server for GLSL (autocomplete, goto-definition, formatter, and more)
- We provide precompiled binaries for Linux, MacOS and Windows on the Releases page. Make sure to copy it somewhere under your PATH environment variable (e.g. ~/.local/bin on Linux).
- Building from Source
zig build install -Doptimize=ReleaseSafe --prefix ~/.local/
Tested using zig 0.13.0.
By default glsl_analyzer communicates over stdin/stdout:
- However, you can configure it to use a specific port (TCP) using the following command:
glsl_analyzer --port <PORT>
nvim-lspconfig comes with support for glsl_analyzer. Simply add the following to your lua config:
- Visual Studio Code
- Install the glsl-analyzer extension from the marketplace. It will automatically download the latest precompiled binary for your platform.
해결해야할것정리_해결한거랑 해결 못한거|🔝|
- (해결)truble.nvim오류 메세지 해결 못함
- font 크기 해결 못함(neovide에서 안됨 버그인가??)neovim에서는 완벽히 잘 돌아감
- LSP goto 해결함 (초간단ㅋ)
:lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next() or :lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev()
- rainbow 나왔다가 안 나왔다가 ㅠㅠ 해결 된듯.
:lua require('rainbow-delimiters.setup').setup()
require('rainbow-delimiters.setup').setup ()
-- This module contains a number of default definitions
local rainbow_delimiters = require 'rainbow-delimiters'
---@type rainbow_delimiters.config
vim.g.rainbow_delimiters = {
strategy = {
[''] = rainbow_delimiters.strategy['global'],
vim = rainbow_delimiters.strategy['local'],
query = {
[''] = 'rainbow-delimiters',
lua = 'rainbow-blocks',
priority = {
[''] = 110,
lua = 210,
highlight = {
Undo & Swap file 설정하기|🔝|
-- Enable swap, backup, and persistant undo
vim.opt.directory = SWAPDIR
vim.opt.backupdir = BACKUPDIR
vim.opt.undodir = UNDODIR
vim.opt.swapfile = true
vim.opt.backup = true
vim.opt.undofile = true
-- Append backup files with timestamp
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", {
callback = function()
local extension = "~" .. vim.fn.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S")
vim.o.backupext = extension
- Lua config for Neovim
- Capture the current USER and store in variable.
- Capture the current GROUP by running a system command id -ng
USER = os.getenv("USER")
local curr_group = vim.fn.system("id -ng 2> /dev/null | tr -d '\n'")
- Use the variables above to assign some dynamically generated directories, based on your current group
SWAPDIR = "/home/" .. curr_group .. "/" .. USER .. "/nvim/swap//"
BACKUPDIR = "/home/" .. curr_group .. "/" .. USER .. "/nvim/backup//"
UNDODIR = "/home/" .. curr_group .. "/" .. USER .. "/nvim/undo//"
- If the dirs do not exist, create them
- Update their permissions to 700
if vim.fn.isdirectory(SWAPDIR) == 0 then
vim.fn.mkdir(SWAPDIR, "p", "0o700")
if vim.fn.isdirectory(BACKUPDIR) == 0 then
vim.fn.mkdir(BACKUPDIR, "p", "0o700")
if vim.fn.isdirectory(UNDODIR) == 0 then
vim.fn.mkdir(UNDODIR, "p", "0o700")
Deprecated 해결해야할것 ㅠㅠ|🔝|
- Nvim 0.11부터 해결해야할것
- 단서1
- vim.lsp.util.parse_snippet is deprecated what should I do?
- 단서2
vim.lsp.util.parse_snippet() is deprecated. :help deprecated
Feature will be removed in Nvim 0.11
stack traceback:
...ies/nvim-linux64/share/nvim/runtime/lua/vim/lsp/util.lua:624: in function 'parse_snippet'
/home/gy/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/cmp.lua:25: in function 'before'
...site/pack/packer/start/lspkind-nvim/lua/lspkind/init.lua:190: in function 'format'
...e/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/entry.lua:295: in function 'callback'
.../site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/utils/cache.lua:38: in function 'get_vim_item'
...e/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/entry.lua:411: in function 'callback'
.../site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/utils/cache.lua:38: in function 'match'
.../nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/source.lua:116: in function 'get_entries'
...re/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/view.lua:75: in function 'open'
...re/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/core.lua:336: in function <...re/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp/lua/cmp/core.lua:309>
- 오류가 더 늘어남
gitsigns: Ignoring invalid configuration field 'yadm'
'signs.add.hl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsAdd' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsAdd', { link = 'GitSignsAdd' })
'signs.add.linehl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsAddLn' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsAddLn', { link = 'GitSignsAddLn' })
'signs.add.numhl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsAddNr' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsAddNr', { link = 'GitSignsAddNr' })
'signs.change.hl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsChange' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsChange', { link = 'GitSignsChange' })
'signs.change.linehl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsChangeLn' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsChangeLn', { link = 'GitSignsChangeLn' })
'signs.change.numhl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsChangeNr' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsChangeNr', { link = 'GitSignsChangeNr' })
'signs.changedelete.hl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsChangedelete' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsChangedelete', { link = 'GitSignsChange' })
'signs.changedelete.linehl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsChangedeleteLn' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsChangedeleteLn', { link = 'GitSignsChangeLn' })
'signs.changedelete.numhl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsChangedeleteNr' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsChangedeleteNr', { link = 'GitSignsChangeNr' })
'signs.delete.hl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsDelete' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsDelete', { link = 'GitSignsDelete' })
'signs.delete.linehl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsDeleteLn' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsDeleteLn', { link = 'GitSignsDeleteLn' })
'signs.delete.numhl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsDeleteNr' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsDeleteNr', { link = 'GitSignsDeleteNr' })
'signs.topdelete.hl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsTopdelete' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsTopdelete', { link = 'GitSignsDelete' })
'signs.topdelete.linehl' is now deprecated, please define highlight 'GitSignsTopdeleteLn' e.g:
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'GitSignsTopdeleteLn', { link = 'GitSignsDeleteLn' })
-- More --
Source 외국분 git에서 대부분 가져옴|🔝|
- https://github.com/codeitlikemiley/neovide-rust-neovim
- 여기를 참조 많이 해야함(다 흡수 못함 ㅠㅠ)
다른 외국인의 멋진 NeoVim세팅|🔝|
Neovide 이미지를 실행시키기 위한 FUSE|🔝|
- https://github.com/ggml-org/llama.vim
- VIM내에서 로컬 LLM 기반의 텍스트 자동완성 기능을 제공
모드에서 커서 이동 시 자동 제안Ctrl+F
로 수동 제안 전환 가능Tab
으로 제안 수락Shift+Tab
으로 첫 번째 줄 제안 수락- 최대 텍스트 생성 시간 설정 가능
- 커서 주변의 컨텍스트 범위 설정 가능
- 열린 파일...
ArchLinux에서 잘 안되는거 모음|🔝|
클립보드 복사/붙혀넣기 해결
sudo pacman -S python-neovim