A generic 'option' type for .Net, explicitly representing a value that is either 'something' or 'nothing'.
PM> Install-Package Maybe.Sharp
Yes there are plenty of maybe/option types for .Net, but I couldn't find one that met all my requirements, hence Maybe.Sharp exists.
See the API Documentation for contents/help.
Struct/Value type
- Instances of Maybe cannot be null
(In)Equality & GetHashCode overrides/implementation
> < >= <= operators for Maybe and T values.
Implements IComparable, IComparable<Maybe>, IComparable, IEquatable<Maybe>, IEquatable, IFormattable
Implict cast from T to Maybe
Explicit cast from Maybe to T (exception when 'nothing')
Bind method for piping Maybe through functions
Chainable WhenSomething/WhenNothing for control flow
Static Nothing value for each Maybe type.
Maybe of other value types (not just reference types), i.e Maybe of System.Guid is 'empty'/'nothing when the inner value is System.Guid.Empty. Same for DateTime when the value is DateTime.MinValue etc.
Cast/As methods for converting Maybe to Maybe
ToString override
TryGetValue extension for IDictionary<K, V>
Or method to Coalesce Maybe
ValueOr method for retrieving wrapped value or default value when empty
ToNullable to convert Maybe to a Nullable equivalent
ToMaybe extension for Nullable values.
LINQ support via where and select extensions
TryParse extensions for System.String