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Andrew edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 10 revisions

Complete documentation with all methods

Content of the documentation


Return: GameManager


Return: TaskManager

.getVersion() static

Return: String - Api version

.createGame(World world, String gameName, long timer)

Return: void

World world - The world where the game will be
String gameName - Name of the game
long timer - Game time

.createGame(World world, String gameName)

Return: void

World world - The world where the game will be
String gameName - Name of the game

.getGame(String gameName)

Return: Game

String gameName - Name of the game


Return: HashMap<String, Game>

.createGameTask(@NotNull Runnable task, Game game, long delay, long period)

Return: GameTask

@NotNull Runnable task - What you need to do every period
Game game - The game for which the task is being created
long delay - Delay after which the task will be executed
long period - The period with which the task will be executed

.getTask(Game game)

Return: GameTask

Game game - The game in which the task is completed


Return: HashMap<Game, GameTask>


Return: void

.stop(boolean saveWorld)

Return: void

boolean saveWorld - Whether to keep the world after stopping the game

.stop(Player winner, Player loser, boolean saveWorld)

Return: void

Player winner - Whoever won the game
Player loser - The one who lost the game
boolean saveWorld - Whether to keep the world after stopping the game

.stop(Player[] winners, Player[] losers, boolean saveWorld)

Return: void

Player[] winners - Those who won the game
Player[] losers - Those who lost the game
boolean saveWorld - Whether to keep the world after stopping the game

.stop(HashSet<Player> winners, HashSet<Player> losers, boolean saveWorld)

Return: void

HashSet<Player> winners - Those who won the game
HashSet<Player> losers - Those who lost the game
boolean saveWorld - Whether to keep the world after stopping the game

.shutdown(boolean saveWorld)

Return: void

boolean saveWorld - Whether to keep the world after stopping the game

.connectPlayer(Player player)

Return: void

Player player - The player you want to join the game

.connectPlayer(Player player, Location location)

Return: void

Player player - The player you want to join the game
Location location - The location where the player will have to teleport

.connectPlayer(Player player, double x, double y, double z)

Return: void

Player player - The player you want to join the game
double x - X coordinate of the location where the player will have to teleport
double y - Y coordinate of the location where the player will have to teleport
double z - Z coordinate of the location where the player will have to teleport

.disconnectPlayer(GamePlayer player)

Return: void

GamePlayer player - The game player you want to disconnect from the game

.disconnectPlayer(GamePlayer player, Location location)

Return: void

GamePlayer player - The game player you want to join the game
Location location - The location where the player will have to teleport

.disconnectPlayer(GamePlayer player, double x, double y, double z)

Return: void

GamePlayer player - The game player you want to join the game
double x - X coordinate of the location where the player will have to teleport
double y - Y coordinate of the location where the player will have to teleport
double z - Z coordinate of the location where the player will have to teleport


Return: long


Return: HashMap<Player, GamePlayer>


Return: long


Return: String


Return: World


Return: GameTask


Return: boolean

.setTime(long time)

Return: void

long time - Time of the whole game

.setKickOnLeave(boolean kickOnLeave)

Return: void

boolean kickOnLeave - Whether to kick the player out of the game when he leaves the server


Return: Player


Return: Game


Return: int


Return: boolean

.setScore(int score)

Return: void

int score - Player score

.setDied(boolean isDied)

Return: void

boolean isDied - Has the player died


Return: void


Return: Game