Loopia provier for Key Vault Acmebot that automates the issuance and renewal of ACME SSL/TLS certificates.
This Azure Function implenets the REST API for CUSTOM DNS Provider
Set following settings to use the Custom DNS provider in Key Vault Acmebot. The APIKEY is _master key under APP KEYS in Loopia Azure Function.
Sign in to Loopia and and click API-användare in the bottom right corner. Click on Skapa API-användare and pick a username and password. Then click on the created user and select following permissions:
- getZoneRecords
- addZoneRecords
- removeZoneRecords
- removeSubdomain
Set the username and password under the Loopia Azure Function configurations:
Loopia__0__Username=<Loopia Username>
Loopia__0__Password=<Loopia Password>
You can add as many accounts as you want:
Loopia__1__Username=<Loopia Username>
Loopia__1__Password=<Loopia Password>