This repository provides syntax highlighting for Highlight.js for Structured Text. ST is one of the 6 languages of IEC 61131-3 standard developed in 1998 for developing PLC programs.
We want to provide ST syntax highlights in VS Code Markdown editor and Markdown preview. And other cases when tutorials are published in the web.
npm i highlightjs-structured-text --save
Include the highlight.js
script package in your webpage or node app, load this module and register it with hljs
. Follow instructions at highlightjs to learn how to include the library and CSS.
If you're not using a build system and just want to embed this in your webpage:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/highlight.pack.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/highlightjs-structured-text/dist/iecst.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
If you're using webpack / rollup / browserify / node:
var hljs = require('highlightjs');
var hljsDefineIECST = require('highlightjs-structured-text');
hljs.registerLanguage('iecst', hljsDefineIECST);
Mark the code you want to highlight with the iecst class:
<pre><code class="iecst">...</code></pre>
Or use JavaScript to programmatically highlight text string:
hljs.registerLanguage('iecst', hljsDefineIECST);
var highlighted = hljs.highlightAuto(text_string, ["iecst"]);
import React, {Component} from 'react'
import 'highlight.js/scss/darcula.scss' # your favourite theme
import cypher from './iecst'
import hljs from 'highlight.js'
hljs.registerLanguage('iecst', iecst);
class Highlighter extends Component
let {children} = this.props;
<pre ref={(node) => this.node = node}>
<code className="iecst">
export default Highlighter;
To use in marp
First create file engine.js
const { Marp } = require('@marp-team/marp-core')
const hljs = require('highlight.js')
const iecst = require('highlightjs-structured-text')
hljs.registerLanguage("iecst", iecst)
module.exports = (opts) => {
const marp = new Marp(opts)
marp.highlighter = (code, lang) => {
if (lang) {
return hljs.getLanguage(lang)
? hljs.highlight(lang, code, true).value
: ''
return hljs.highlightAuto(code).value
return marp
And now when you build with CLI add engine parameter,
npx marp --engine ./enjine.js ./