Minimalist Collection of Colorschemes Written in Lua
- 6 available variants (for the moment)
- It has support for a large number of plugins such as LSP, Tree-Sitter, Telescope, Nvim-Tree and others.
- Support for Vim Terminal Colors
- Lualine scheme
- Color customization
- Italic elements in the editor
- Fun built-in functions
- They support a large number of terminal emulation environments, such as:
- Neovim version 0.8+
- (Recommended) Tree-Sitter Highlight for a better use of colors
You can install colorsecheme with any package manager, for example:
use 'Yagua/nebulous.nvim'
Plug 'Yagua/nebulous.nvim'
Setup example:
--Put this lines inside your vimrc to set the colorscheme
require("nebulous").setup {
variant = "midnight",
disable = {
background = true,
endOfBuffer = false,
terminal_colors = false,
italic = {
comments = false,
keywords = true,
functions = false,
variables = true,
custom_colors = { -- this table can hold any group of colors with their respective values
LineNr = { fg = "#5BBBDA", bg = "NONE", style = "NONE" },
CursorLineNr = { fg = "#E1CD6C", bg = "NONE", style = "NONE" },
-- it is possible to specify only the element to be changed
TelescopePreviewBorder = { fg = "#A13413" },
LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { bg = "#E11313" },
TSTagDelimiter = { style = "bold,italic" },
When overwriting the color groups of the selected variant, it is possible to obtain their colors or those of another variant as follows:
local colors = require("nebulous.functions").get_colors("midnight") -- < variant name
-- if you want to get the colors of the current variant use the function without arguments
require("nebulous").setup {
custom_colors = {
Normal = { fg = colors.Red, bg = colors.Black, style = colors.none },
-- the '...' is used to denote the existence of other settings, this is not language syntax.
Option | Default Value | Description |
variant | night |
Select color variant |
disable.background | false |
Enable/Disable background in the editor |
disable.endOfBuffer | false |
Enable/Disable lines at the end of the buffer |
disable.terminal_colors | false |
Enable/Disable terminal colors |
italic.comments | false |
Enable/Disable "italic" style in comments |
italic.functions | false |
Enable/Disable "italic" style in functions |
italic.variables | false |
Enable/Disable "italic" style in variables |
italic.keywords | false |
Enable/Disable "italic" style in keywords |
custom_colors | {} |
Set custom colors for editor and plugin groups |
Variant | Value |
night | default |
twilight | alternative |
midnight | alternative |
fullmoon | alternative |
nova | alternative |
quasar | alternative |
If you want to use the custom colorscheme of lualine, put the following code in your init (make sure you have nebulous and lualine installed):
require('lualine').setup {
options = {
-- theme name
theme = 'nebulous'
Option | Description |
toggle_variant |
Browse among the different variants |
random_variant |
Set a random variant among the different variants |
set_variant |
Set a specific variant according to its name |
get_colors |
Get the colors of the current variant or the variant specified as argument |
To switch between styles just run the function, e.g:
:lua require("nebulous.functions").toggle_variant()
The random function has a similar behavior, just call the function as well:
:lua require("nebulous.functions").random_variant()
You can also set a specific variant based on its name:
:lua require("nebulous.functions").set_variant("variant_name")
The functions can be mapped for quick use, e.g:
- Vimscript
nnoremap <silent><leader>tc :lua require("nebulous.functions").toggle_variant()<CR>
nnoremap <silent><leader>rc :lua require("nebulous.functions").random_variant()<CR>
nnoremap <silent><leader>tw :lua require("nebulous.functions").set_variant("variant_name")<CR>
- Lua
local setmap = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap
local options = { silent = true, noremap = true }
setmap("n", "<leader>tc", ":lua require('nebulous.functions').toggle_variant()<CR>", options)
setmap("n", "<leader>rc", ":lua require('nebulous.functions').random_variant()<CR>", options)
setmap("n", "<leader>tw", ":lua require('nebulous.functions').set_variant('variant_name')<CR>", options)
More features and color variants are coming in future updates!
- In case you find an error in any color scheme, please make an appropriate issue describing in detail the problem found.
- Also, if you want to make any contribution, please make the PR descriptive for easy integration.
I hope you enjoy these color schemes!