- Download the .ova files of all machines
- For each VM:
- double-click on the .ova to import it in VirtualBox
- select 'Include all network adapter MAC Addresses'
- import
- The VMs all have aliases, they are
- Clark for the Client
- Wynona for the Webserver
- Dakota for the Database and CA
- Benedict for the Backups
- Grace for the sysadmin access Gateway
- The IP addresses for the internal network (and for the fake internet network) are static, and the /etc/hosts files of every machine contain the aliases for the other (relevant) machines (e.g. doing
ping Dakota
from the Webserver will ping the Database machine).
Network Addresses:
- intnet: Network
- ASL_internet: Network
- Dakota:
- Grace_internal:
- Grace_external:
- Benedict:
- Wynona_internal:
- Wynona_external:
- Clark:
The following format is used: username:password
Client machine (Clark) user accounts:
- root:clark
- alex:alextheadmin
- ps:patrickschaller
- clark:lukasbruegger
- ms:michaelschlaepper
- a3:andresalan
Webserver machine (Wynona) user accounts:
- root:wynona
- wynona:wynona
Database and CA machine (Dakota) user accounts:
- root:dakota
- dakota:dakota
Backup machine (Benedict) user accounts:
- root:root
Gateway machine (Grace) user accounts:
- root:root
- sysadmin:sysadmin
The configuration files for both Wynona's and Dakota's webserver are located in /etc/apache2/sites-availabe
on the respective machine. The Web directories are in /var/www/imovies
and /var/www/auth_manager
respectively. A copy of these two directories and of both config files can be found in this repository.
To reach the Webserver from the client machine, just open a browser and type https://imovies.asl.com
or https://Wynona
. The only CA admin out of all the user is Patrick Schaller, so if you want to access the CA admin interface you need to use his account (and certificate-based authentication). We reccomend using Chrome as we have had problems importing our generated client-certificates into Firefox. If you want to use Firefox, we have found that importing a certificate into Chrome, then exporting it and importing that into Firefox will actually work.Other users (except for Lukas Bruegger) do not have a certificate installed already, so for the first login you will need to use credentials. To import the certificate you need to do it from inside the browsers settings, not by opening the .pfx file.
To access the internal network, you need to SSH from the client to the gateway using the alex account. When logged in as alex you can use ssh sysadmin@Grace
to connect to it. Once inside the internal network, SSH access should work without password authentication from Grace to every machine.