Run Scripts
- Setup
- AddSlotOptions
- TraitSlotOptions
- AddCampaignReward
On entirely new world
- SetupMintNFTs
Our work is built on MUD. MUD docs is a good place to start learning the concepts
Thanks to the contributors of the original project!
This repository serves as an illustrative example for extending in-game functionalities.
You can enhance in-game functionalities by:
- Customizing existing game features, such as configuring an SSU as a vending machine, Item Seller .
- Add or extend new features for in-game Smart-Storage Units by inheriting EVE system smart contracts and hooks. Eg: Gatekeeper SSU
Refer the docs for details.
This example demonstrates customizing an in-game SSU as a vending machine. The vending machine can be configured to determine which items go into the input bay, what is returned (vended) in the output bay, and in what ratio.
There are 2 ways you can start building.
- Less code / No code
- configure your SSU as a vending machine with the ratio you like
- Program your SSU
- make code changes to the Vending Machine smart contract and have your own logic
- deploy to the exsiting world
- interact
To get started without making any code changes, follow below steps by adjusting the configuration in the .env file and later explore making code changes and implementing new features.
Create a SSU in-game
this guide requires that you have an UNIX terminal on your machine, either
. -
Ensure you have
Version 18 andpnpm
installed.- If you have issues installing with node refer Or refer
Have basic knowledge of smart contracts and the MUD framework.
Have an IDE that supports Solidity (preferably).
First you will need to install Windows Subsystem for Linux, version 2. To do that, open the command prompt and enter the command:
wsl.exe --install
Once that is done, you can launch the Ubuntu
app from the Start Menu, which will give you access to a Linux terminal. From then on, enter the following commands to update your Linux distribution:
apt update && apt upgrade
First, we need to install the CLI tools for Xcode. Run the following command in a Terminal:
xcode-select --install
Then, install homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
And finally, install Z Shell (a.k.a. zsh), which is a Unix shell built on top of bash. This will solve most issue linked to disreptancies between MacOS and other Linux distributions:
brew install zsh
You can then close this terminal and open a new one to confirm the changes made to your terminal.
If that is not done already, we need to install Node Version Manager. (See the project page on Github for more info or troubleshooting : Node Version Manager Github) To do that, run either of the following cURL or Wget commands in your terminal:
curl -o- | bash
wget -qO- | bash
To test if the installation went properly, verify that you can run the following command:
nvm —version
Now, let’s install Node Package Manager (nvm) with the following command:
nvm install 18 && nvm use 18
running node --version
should return v18.19.0
, which means your terminal is now properly set for the next steps.
Finally, install pnpm :
npm install pnpm -g
After cloning this repository on your machine, open a terminal, and change directory to the root of this repository:
cd [path-to]/builder-examples
Then, execute the following commands
pnpm run foundry:up
pnpm i
cd packages/contracts
pnpm run build
Make changes to .env to get started:
Add your private key to execute smart contract transactions on-chain.
- You can export your private key from EVE Vault by clicking the three dots on the main screen and there select view private key.
The .env file is configured by default for deployment to the playtest testnet, if you are testing locally be sure to comment out Lines 20-21 and uncomment the Local RPC parameters on Lines 16-17.
Add your Smart Storage Unit ID, item-in ID, and item-out ID to configure your vending machine. Obtain ID values from blockchain gateway by your smart storage unit id.<ssu_id>
Smart Storage Unit ID (SSU ID) is available once you have deployed an SSU in the game.
- Right click your Smart Storage Unit, and open the dapp window and copy the smart storage unit id.
- item-in ID and item-out ID can be viewed from the blockchain gateway under the inventory or ephemeral inventoryList as shown below. The itemId is the value you should copy.
"inventory": { "storageCapacity": 100000000000000, "usedCapacity": 490000000000, "storageItems": [ { "typeId": 77518, "itemId": "112603025077760770783264636189502217226733230421932850697496331082050661822826", "quantity": 49, "name": "Lens 3X", "image": "" } ], "ephemeralInventoryList": [ { "ownerId": "0xbc07106cc909d37e36a1c3db35411805836bdf67", "ownerName": "skygirl", "storageCapacity": 1000000000000, "usedCapacity": 10000000000, "ephemeralInventoryItems": [ { "typeId": 77518, "itemId": "112603025077760770783264636189502217226733230421932850697496331082050661822826", "quantity": 1, "name": "Lens 3X", "image": "" } ] } ] },
- Configure the vending Machine by giving your
in the .env file.IN_RATIO
represent the required number of items put into the SSU and the resulting number of items that will come out, e.g., ifRATIO_IN
=1 then for every multiple of 5ITEM_IN
, the vending logic will output 1ITEM_OUT
NOTE: Its a prerequisite to have already deposited these items into the SSU once before configuration. This is to ensure that the game logic has updated those specific items data on-chain beforehand. Also be aware the for the vending logic to execute properly after configuration.. there must be a pre-deposited amount of ITEM_OUT
item in the SSU to vend those items out properly. If the SSU runs out of ITEM_OUT
items, the vending logic will fail.
pnpm run configure-vending-machine
You can build a external UI or a In game to interact with your SSU by calling executeVendingMachine()
function from the dapp.
Now, test the configuration by adding items to the input bay in-game and observe how it works. Play around, and once comfortable, delve deeper by making code changes. To understand the smart contract structure, refer to the docs and start building.
Note: This step is required only if you are making code changes.
- Make sure you also change the
in mudConfig.ts L4, so that it doesn't fail trying to deploy to the old namespace.
NOTE: In the MUD Framework deploying new contracts is specific to a NAMESPACE for permissioning reasons. If you try to deploy to an existing namespace for which you are not the namespace owner, the deployment will fail.
- Build locally:
pnpm tablegen && pnpm worldgen
pnpm build
Clone the World Chain Contracts repository here and deploy a canonical World contract in your local.
- Under the
repository, run the following:
git clone
cd world-chain-contracts
pnpm run dev
- To deploy all contract in local run, from the root of the repository
pnpm run dev
- In your terminal, under the
process, wait a few seconds for all the contracts to compile and deploy.
Obtain the world contract address in the terminal, or in the worlds.json
file created in the root directory.
- Deploying builder example contract to World Contract
cd packages/contracts
Deploy the contracts in this repository by, replacing the ADDRESS field with the address of the world contract we just deployed.
pnpm run deploy:local --worldAddress <ADDRESS>
- Write Scripts to interact with it in scripts folder. Or make use of the existing script if it is using the ratio logic and run it!
pnpm run configure-ratio
Now you have the local chain, world contracts and builder example contracts deployed to the chain. You can play around by any building any logic.
- I am on WSL. I have encountered issue with nvm command not being found and the fix for that is : nano ~/.zshrc export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")" [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && . "$NVM_DIR/" # This loads nvm