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Supervised Learning

About this Project

This is a supervised learning project that uses 3 algorithms on two classification problems. The 3 supervised algorithms are:

  1. Neural Networks
  2. Support Vector Machines
  3. k-Nearest Neighbors

Different hyperparameters are explored for each algorithm. To see which ones exactly refer to the pdf explaining the experiment in its entirety.

Scikit-learn (python3) is used to evaluate the algorithms.

How to run this project

1. Prereqs

  • Python3
  • pip3
  • conda
  • jupyter notebook

1. Setting up environment

conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate supervised_learning

2. Downloading data

  • The data will already be in the box link in the data folder.
  • The first dataset is 'default_of_credit_card_clients.csv'
  • The second dataset is 'phishing_dataset.csv'
  • There is no need to navigate to the data folder as the jupyter notebooks will automatically access the necessary datasets

3. Directory Structure

├── data  
│ ├── default_of_credit_card_clients.csv
│ └── phishing_dataset.csv
├── images
├── credit-knn
├── credit-nn
├── credit-svm
├── phishing-knn
├── phishing-nn
└── phishing-svm
├── notebooks
├── default-credit-payment-KNN.ipynb
├── default-credit-payment-NN.ipynb
├── default-credit-payment-SVM.ipynb
├── phishing-KNN.ipynb
├── phishing-NN.ipynb
└── phishing-SVM.ipynb
├── results
├── credit-knn
├── credit-nn
├── credit-svm
├── phishing-knn
├── phishing-nn
└── phishing-svm
├── environment.yml

  • data: holds the datasets
  • images: holds 6 directories (1 for each algorithm per dataset) containing images/plots from the perspective notebook
  • notebooks: holds the jupyter notebook files
  • results: holds 6 directories for .txt files for statistics about each algorithm, written from the jupyter notebooks

3. Running the Notebooks/Algorithms/Experimments

3.1 Running the code

  • Ensure that you complete the setup in section 1 and 2.
  • Verify your conda environment is active. You should see (supervised_learning) at the beginning of your terminal line.
  • From the supervised-learning directory launch Jupyter Notebook using the command jupyter notebook
  • It should automatically open 'http://localhost:8888/tree' in your browser but if not navigate there
  • From there navigate to the notebooks folder. This folder contains all 6 .ipynb files (1 for each algorithm on the 2 datasets)
  • Open any notebook by double-clicking on it. (Note the process for running all the algorithms/notebooks is the same here on out)
    • To run the code, click 'Run' in the toolbar then in that drop down and select 'Run All Cells'
    • This will run all your cells and may take up to an hour+ depending on the algorithm and machine it's being run on
    • You can view the progress in the output cells (most cells have a %%time to show how long each cell took and so you know when it's done)
    • While it is running there will be an hour glass in Jupyter notebook tab. When it is done it will be a notebook icon
  • Do this for all notebooks to run all 6 algorithms

3.2 Viewing the results

The notebooks automatically save all text statistics to the results folder and all plots to the images folder, just navigate to the respective directory to view them

4. References


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