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ShellFront is a simple frontend for terminal applications and Linux shell scripts. Making terminal application window customizable by user or developer.


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ShellFront is a simple frontend for terminal applications and Linux shell scripts. Making terminal application window customizable by user or developer.


Alsamixer started from right-clicking the clock in tint2, demonstrates compatibility with Ncurses.
shellfront -Tips 30x14 -g 3 -c 'alsamixer'
Example Alsamixer Screenshot
Calendar popup with various tips and tricks from the tips section.
shellfront -Tps 21x8 -g 3 -c 'echo -n "$(tput bold; unbuffer cal | lolcat -ft -) "; read'
Example Calendar Screenshot


  • Undecorated popup and decorated window style;
  • Customise command to toggle, activate, or deactivate;
  • Uses GTK3 and VTE, portable between Linux computers;
  • Integrate to other applications as C library;
  • Simple and intuitive, one struct for configuration and can be added in under 10 lines of code;


  1. Download the build ready version from the releases tab on the side and extract to a directory with a name without whitespaces. Then, install the following packages.
  2. Install the following packages:
    For ArchLinux: gtk3 vte3 gettext
    For Ubuntu: libgtk-3-dev libvte-2.91-dev gettext
    Other distros should also install GTK and VTE development package from repositories or build from source.
  3. Change to the ShellFront directory by using cd
  4. ShellFront can then be installed by using ./configure && make and sudo make install

Testing (Not required for using ShellFront)

The test is automatically run with each push, so it is not required to run manually.

If Docker is available, image can be found at, so the testing environment is sandboxed. Then start from running the command in step 5.

  1. Finish step 3 from setup above, install gcovr.
  2. Install xvfb and run Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1600x1200x24 & export DISPLAY=:1 if no GUI is available.
  3. Build with ./configure --enable-unit-tests && make and run it by using LANG=C src/test
  4. Check the result with gcovr -r src -e 'src/t_*' (append optional -b flag for branch coverage).

The package can be uninstalled by using sudo make uninstall in the same directory.

Using directly in terminal

Different switches are available, help can be called with shellfront --help or shellfront -h

Gravity Setting

When gravity is set, the location variable will be interpreted as the distance from the edge specified.
GTK's window positioning is known to be finicky.
Default setting is 1 (Top-left).
Corresponding coordinates as below:

|1 2 3
|4 5 6
|7 8 9

If the gravity is centered in any axis, the corresponding x or y value of the loc variable will be ignored.
A placeholder of any non-negative number should be used in the loc variable (Number appended by letters are also accepted).


  • To hide the console cursor, perform printf or echo -n spaces until out of bound, or by using echo -n "$(command)[SPACES]" on last output command.
  • If colourised output from pipe is required, unbuffer from package expect can be appended in front of the command.
  • If the application is not interactive, read can be used instead of sleep infinity to make the window stay.

Using as library within C program

ShellFront can customize how a terminal program appear as. Size, title, format and etc. can be fixed for maximum user experience.

stderr will still be directed to the old terminal so that error will not appear to normal users.

C library reference

shellfront_catch(int argc, char **argv, char *accepted_opt, GOptionEntry *custom_opt, struct shellfront_term_conf default_config); decides how the terminal will look like by user and/or program, parameters' explainations listed below:

- accepted_opt: A string of ShellFront options' short names which are allowed to be overriden by user, can be "" if user should not be able to modify ShellFront configuration
- custom_opt: Custom options for parent application, a NULL-terminated array of GOptionEntry, can be NULL if no custom options are needed
- default_config: The default configuration to be overriden by commandline arguments

The function above returns an err_state, the setup on the program should handle the result as follow:

  1. If has_error of the state evaluate as true, something went wrong, do standard error handling with errmsg, end the program without executing the main logic.
  2. If has_error of the state evaluate as false:
    • If errmsg is "", this is currently running in ShellFront, continue the execution of the program.
    • If errmsg is not "", this is currently in the original process, end the program without executing the main logic.

Sample integration in C:

#include "shellfront.h"

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	struct shellfront_term_conf config = shellfront_term_conf_default;
	config.width = 20;
	config.height = 6;
	config.desc = "- sample integration of ShellFront";
	bool msg_switch = false;
	GOptionEntry custom_opt[] = {
			.long_name = "switch",
			.arg = G_OPTION_ARG_NONE,
			.arg_data = &msg_switch,
			.description = "Switches the message's text"
		}, { 0 }
	struct err_state state = shellfront_catch(argc, argv, "gl", custom_opt, config);
	if (state.has_error) {
		fprintf(stderr, state.errmsg);
		return state.has_error;
	else if (strcmp(state.errmsg, "") != 0) return 0;
	printf("Hi, switch is %s.\n", msg_switch? "on" : "off");
	fprintf(stderr, "Errors\n");
	return 0;

The err_state struct has following members, listed below: (For default values, use { .has_error = 0, .errmsg = "" })

- has_error
- errmsg for error message

The shellfront_term_conf struct defines shellfront_term_conf_default constant, which has default values for all members, listed below:

Window and terminal properties
- grav for gravity        : 1 (Top-left)
- x and y for coordinate  : 0
- width                   : 80
- height                  : 24
- title                   : ""
- icon filepath           : "" (Uses window manager's default icon)
- cmd for target command  : "echo 'Hello World!'; read" (In terminal) (This is not used in C library)
- interactive for input   : false or 0
- popup instead of window : false or 0
- once for single instance: false or 0

Invoke behaviours switch
- toggle when invoked     : false or 0
- kill                    : false or 0
- desc for help menu      : "- simple frontend for shell scripts" (In terminal, immutable) or "" (In C library)


ShellFront is a simple frontend for terminal applications and Linux shell scripts. Making terminal application window customizable by user or developer.







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