To build the Morse Micro OpenWrt, you need a working Linux environment. This has been tested with Ubuntu 20.04 and higher.
Install build environment packages with
> sudo apt update
> sudo apt install build-essential clang flex g++ gawk gcc-multilib git gettext \
libncurses5-dev libssl-dev python3-distutils rsync unzip zlib1g-dev swig
Run the ./scripts/
script to configure the build for your board of choice.
For example, Using seeedstudio's WiFi Halow Modules on Raspberry Pi.
> ./scripts/ -i -b ekh01
After configuration is complete, run the build with
> make -j8
For verbose compilation, consider using
> make -j8 V=sc 2>&1 | tee log.txt
Once the build is complete a compiled image can be found in bin/target/<platform>/<target>/
Of course, you can also download directly from the release. The firmware in the release uses the bcf_mf16858_fgh100mh_v6.3.0.bin BCF file.
If you compiled it yourself, after flashing it onto the Raspberry Pi, you need to SSH into the device and link bcf_default.bin
to the bcf_mf16858_fgh100mh_v6.3.0.bin
cd /lib/firmware/morse
rm bcf_default.bin
ln -s bcf_mf16858_fgh100mh_v6.3.0.bin bcf_default.bin