Lexical analyser using C lang
Lexical analyser using Lex tool
Lex program to display number of lines, words, and characters in an input text
Lex program to convert substring abc to ABC from given input string
Lex program to find out total number of vowels and consonants from given input string
Yacc specification to recognize valid arithmetic expression that uses operators +,-,*,/ and parenthesis
Implement calculator using Lex and Yacc
Convert Expression to AST and traverse it to find result
NFA to DFA converter
Recursive descent parser
Shift Reduce Parser
Constant propagation
Simple intermediate code generator
First and Follow
YACC program to recognise string with grammar a^n b^n n>=0
Calculator that takes input either hex or decimal and prints output in both hex and decimal. (Using lex and yacc)
Intermediate code generator using lex and yacc
Infix to postfix using lex and yacc
Implement yacc program for shift reduce parser or shift reduce parsing techniques for the grammar E: E+E|E-E|E*E|id
lex filename.l
bison -dy filename.y
gcc lex.yy.c y.tab.c